APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Day 25: 10/12/16 - Writer's Workshop Session 2

Good Morning,
         Today is an 'E' Day. Please remember to order your lunch and sharpen your pencils.
          Make sure that you have your Agenda and your ELA Folder. If you have not finished drafting two writing goals I want you to do that now. If you are done, please reread them, and edit them if you wish.
                        Thank you
                           Mr. Trumble

Writers Workshop Session 2 - Part 1: Mini-Essay

  • W6.2 Write informative texts to examine a topic and convey your ideas through analysis of relevant content.

Connection: (3 Minutes)
With the people around you share your two goals you've made.
Are any of your classmate's goals similar or different to yours?

Collaboration (10 Minutes)
  1. Share your Essay with a writing partner. 
  2. Discuss the similarities you both wrote about.
  3. Discuss the differences?
  4. Highlight the similarities and the differences.
  5. Underline specific details you used to support your thinking.
  6. Place a star next to your introductory statement or paragraph.
  7. Place a triangle next to your concluding statement.
We will look at a few samples as a whole group when you finish. 
(10 Minutes)

Remember the sample we looked at last week.

Reflect: Where are you in comparison to the samples we looked at?
Do you want to change your goals, or improve your goals?

****Please Hand in your Mini-essays****

Session 2 - Part 2(Personal Narrative)

W6.3 Write Narratives to develop real experiences using 
effective technique, descriptive details, and a well structured 
sequence of events.

 Review the first two points for writing powerful narrative from session 1

Today I want to teach you that sometimes writers use 
a strategy to generate ideas for POWERFUL personal 
narratives called a quick list.  

Quick List - is what it sounds like!  You write fast and furious
while thinking of as many things as you can related to the list
you want to create.  Let's try it!

Write: "Important people in my life" at the top of a new page in
your notebooks. Now, let's make a list of all the people that fit into
this category!
(5 Minutes)

***Remember Ai's story we annotated?  She wrote about a small moment
she had with her friends Emma and India.
Ai's Narrative:

I shivered a little bit.

"It's pretty cold!" I said as I dipped my toes in the water.  I took 
a pebble and threw it far into the creek.

"Well, whatever!" I said as I plunged in to the cold water.  It felt 
amazing!  The cold water covered my eyes like gentle blankets 
and the water washed over me like a breeze.  Swimming is my 

"Wait up!" yelled Emma as she ran down the hill with her floaty 
wrapped around her waist.  Her curly brown hair whipped 
around in the breeze.  I shivered, I was cold already!  A moment 
after that, India's mom waded in, laughing.

"Ha! It's cold! she said.  Then she stopped.  "Girls, out! Out of 
the water!" she pushed us back to shore.  I looked back and 
saw a long, thin water snake, slithering towards us.  I gasped.  
I quickly swam underwater in big, wide strokes.

Next, pick one person on that list.  Turn the page and
write the date, and their name at the top.
Now add "Small moments with..." 
Generate a quick list of small moments you've shared with that person.
( You may want to use bullets)

Quick Write:
In this part of today's workshop will be practicing writing an entry
using the first two points from your "How to write powerful Narratives" List.
Pick one of the moments from your list and:
1. Write in detail (do not summarize a stretch of time)
2. Help Readers picture the episode - a small action and exact dialogue.

Share/Wrap Up
Now you have a tool in your writing tool box to generate ideas fast!
Finish this entry tonight focusing on small moments
and using exact language to place us right there with you! 
Remind yourself of your goals!
(Here is a sample of an entry about a small moment)

          I’ve often discovered that God speaks to me when I’m least expecting it, like on my morning commute to school. On this particular day I was feeling rather gloomy and I wasn't looking forward to the day ahead. My mood however did not match the joyful excursion I found myself on through the rich autumn landscape. As I drove mindlessly around a bend in the road, in an instant I was blessed to see the sun rising over the tops of the brilliant fall colors, with golden and amber rays of sunshine streaming through the branches making them look ablaze. The long shadows cast out across the burnt landscape making the sun appear to dance and glisten off the dew covered fields. As I sat behind the wheel of my car I noticed that as the dew glistens it brings an even deeper richness to the mosaic of colors. Being the lone traveler on the country road through this majestic landscape it was as though God had, with His own hand, painted this resplendent landscape for me and me alone. 

            The moment passes all too quickly, but in those few split seconds where I get to steal glimpses of what the hands of God can create, I can’t help but to feel completely connected to my surroundings, and at the same time, somehow feel completely insignificant. I sit in my car speeding ever onward toward the goal, the destination, and the next task. I know all too well the realities of the school day that lie ahead of me, but for just a moment, I take great pleasure with this one masterpiece, and I sit in awe looking out at the brushstrokes that have been caste over the landscape. In that moment I understand how truly small I am, but at the same time I appreciate how blessed I am, and I remind myself to never take what I have for granted.

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