APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day #5 - 9/9/14 - Unit 1 Lesson 2

Good Morning Sixth Graders,
        Today is an ‘E’ Day so we will go to Art. Don’t forget to sharpen your pencils and order your lunch.
         On a piece of loose leaf paper in your binder, please write today’s date (9/9/14) below yesterday’s entry, and write a response to the “Point to Ponder" question. Your response should be a list. When you are done, you may do some independent reading quietly at your seat. Be prepared to share the title and the ‘gist’ of the book you are reading. 
                                           Thank you
                                           Mrs. Sargent & Mr. Trumble
Point to Ponder: (Create a list)
When you are working in a group what are some things you want from the people you are working with?

For Lesson 2

I can cite evidence from the text when answering questions and discussing “Shrouded in Myth.”

I can use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in “Shrouded in Myth.”

I can collaborate effectively with my peers.

I can express myself clearly in a group discussion.

When you are working in a group what are some expectations you should have for one another?
(List 5 Expectations for our Triad Talk Anchor Chart)

Ex:We should all be prepared.
      We Should take turns speaking.

Question Bucket Directions:

1.   Pull a question from the bucket and read it aloud to your triad.

2.   Each of you silently think about the question, on your own.

3.   Go back to the text, and underline a place where you think you have found evidence for the answer.

4.   As a triad, discuss the answer and the evidence each of you found.

5.   Remember to follow your Triad Talk Expectations.

It is more important that you have a careful discussion citing evidence than it is to race through all the questions.

What do you do when you come across a word that you do not know the meaning of?

Strategy #1

Use Context Clues

Context = What is going on around something

In what “Context” would you give someone a gift?

In what “Context” would you wear a sweater, hat, and gloves?

“Shrouded in Myth"
A long, long, long time ago, even before Perseus was

born, his grandfather, Acrisios, the king of Argos, 

was given a prophecy that he would someday be 

killed by his grandson. To protect himself from this 

fate, the terrified king imprisoned his only daughter, 

Danae, in an underground dungeon so that she could 

never marry or have children. Certain that he would 

never be a grandfather, Acrisios relaxed. But Zeus, 

the great father of the gods, had other plans.

Are there any words around the 

the word ‘prophecy’ that help you

determine its meaning?

Directions for vocabulary Cards:

1. Write the word prophecy on the front.

2. On the back write the meaning along the 

top of the card.

3. Visualize the word in your mind. Then 

under the meaning, draw a picture of what 

you visualized.

Things Close Readers Do:

    Get the gist of what a text is mostly about

    Cite evidence

    Use context clues to figure out word meanings

Do a “first draft’ read of Percy Jackson chapter 1, “I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher.
Purpose = Get to know the main character, Percy. What do you notice about him? What do you wonder?

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