Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.
Do Now:
- Check that your homework is done
- Make sure you have all your materials
- Sharpen pencils
E.L.A. Learning Target:
Today you will use your outline to draft paragraphs 5 and 6 of your persuasive essay.
Do Now:
- Write down your independent work
- Take out your outline
- Open your computers to the draft of your persuasive essay
Independent work:
- Work on the Persuasive Essay draft (Due Monday 2/3)
Activity #1
Writing a Persuasive Essay
Step 7 - Outlining
Use the Writing a Persuasive Essay Checklist along with the Outline to begin planning your essay.
To Complete the Outline:
8. Drafting
- From your google drive click on New
- Then select a google doc
- Before you do anything, change the font to size 14
- Type your name in the top left corner
- Tab over to the right side and type in the date
- Use the return Key and type in "Persuasive Essay"
- Tab over to the right side and type your Block #
- Hit return twice and you are now ready to begin typing your first paragraph
***Before you start drafting, give your document a title
- Make sure the top menu is open
- Click on "untitled document"
- Name it "Persuasive Essay"
- Be sure to use the tab key to indent each paragraph.
- Your outline is your guide.
- Look at the example of my first 2 paragraphs to see how I did it.
9. Editing & Revising
Editing & Revising - Phase 1
- Independent - Use the checklist in your notebook
- Make sure that you have all required parts
- Make sure you have enough sentences in each part
- Make sure you have included your sources
Editing & Revising - Phase 2
- Partner - Use the checklist in your notebook & repeat the process with a writing partner
- Repeat the process again with another writing partner
- Partners job is to help make the paper better
- Check spelling
- Check Grammar
- Did you vary your sentence structure? (Short, medium, long)
- Did you use conjunctions to make compound sentences? (And, but, or)
- Elaboration - Have you elaborated on all your ideas to be specific about your ideas?
- Does your introduction have a hook, background info, and a strong specific thesis statement with 2 parts?
- What transition words did you use?
- Where can you add transition words?
- Did you clarify vocabulary words?
Body Paragraph 1 - 3:
Conclusion:- Do your body paragraphs clearly state your reasons?
- Do they have Evidence?
- Have you elaborated and explained your evidence in detail?
- Have you included your sources?
- Is there a link connecting your evidence to your reason?
- What transition words did you use?
- Where can you add transition words?
- Did you clarify vocabulary words?
Body Paragraph 4:
- Did you present the opposing side of the issue?
- Did you use language like: I know, I understand, I am aware...
- Have you elaborated and explained the opposing side of the issue in detail?
- Did you refute or Rebut?
- Did you explain in detail why the opposing side of the issue should think like you?
- What transition words did you use?
- Where can you add transition words?
- Did you clarify vocabulary words?
- Does your conclusion include a reflection, Connection, and recommendations?
- What transition words did you use?
- Where can you add transition words?
- Who did you make recommendations too?
- What did you recommend?
- Did you include a "bow" on top, or finish with a strong statement?
Have a great day!
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