APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Monday, September 16, 2024

Day 9: 9/16/24 - Freak the Mighty - Chapter 3 Quiz & Reading Chapter 4


Good Morning, I hope you are all having a fabulous Friday.

Do Now:

  1. Please make sure you have your homework done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencil

Hello Rebels,

       Today we will complete a quiz for chapter 3 on google classroom, and then read chapter 4 of Freak the Mighty. 
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
  • Finish Reading Chapter 4 & complete Reading Guide (Include 2-3 Questions)

Activity #1
Chapter 3 Quiz
1. Log in to your chromebook. 
2. Go to google classroom & Find Mr. Trumble's ELA (If this is your first time going to my google classroom you will need to add my class using the class code)
3. Click on the classwork tab
4. Complete the Chapter 3 quiz (We will do this first quiz together as a whole class. Keep your answers private, but I will read it aloud.

When everyone is done we will go over the chapter 3 reading guide.

Activity #2
Best Question 
(from Freak the Mighty: Chapter 3)

RL6.1 - Making Inferences and using evidence to support your thinking
RL6.3 - Describe how a story, or plot, unfolds in a series of events, including how the characters respond or change

    Review Chapter 3 HW
    Plot events?

    Best Question: (If time)
    • Meet with your random group of 4
    • Take turns sharing the level 2 & 3 questions you wrote
    • Discuss your answers to the questions
    • Pick 1 or 2 questions that you think are best
    • We will then share those questions with the whole class

    Activity #2
    Read Chapter 4
    • Read chapter 4 with the members of your class 
    • Complete the Reading Guide

    Have a Great Day!

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