APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Friday, September 20, 2024

Day 13: 9/20/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 6 & 7 Best Question & Reading Chapter 8 & 9


Good Morning, I hope you are all having a fabulous Friday. Use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


Good Day 6th Graders,

        Today we will review chapters 6 & 7, and then begin reading chapter 8 & 9 of Freak the Mighty.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
  • Pick up a Reading Guide from the black table
  • Read Chapter 8 & 9
  • Complete the reading guide

Activity #1
Best Question Chapter 6 & 7

Review Chapter 6 & 7 HW
Plot events?

Best Question:
  • Meet with your table group
  • Take turns sharing the level 2 & 3 questions you wrote
  • Discuss your answers to the questions
  • Pick 1 or 2 questions that you think are best
  • We will then share those questions with the whole class
Activity #2
Read Chapter 8 & 9
  • Read chapter 8 & 9 with the members of your class 
  • Complete the Reading Guide
  • Take the quiz on google classroom
    • Be sure to use your notes on the short written responses

Have a Great Day!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Day 12: 9/19/24 - Creating a Written Response & Freak the Mighty Chapter 6 & 7 Quiz


Good Morning, I hope you are all having a super Thursday.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will learn how to create a good written response. and take the chapter 6 & 7 quizzes.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Pick up a copy of the notes from the black table
  • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
  • Finish Chapter 6 & 7 quiz (If note done in class)
  • Complete any past due assignments or quizzes

Activity #1
How to Respond to Literature
(Set up the next page in Notebook)


At the end of chapter 5 Max begins to cry. Why do you think the events in this chapter would make him Cry?

(I) After Max goes to dinner at Kevin's house he goes home and begins to cry on his bed. (C) I think Max cries because he feels like he found a family in Kevin and Gwen. (E) According to the text Max's mom is dead and he is stuck living alone in his grandparent's basement, so he has never had a chance to have a real family. In the story Max says, "The really weird thing is, I'm happy." (R) In my opinion Max should try to spend more time with Kevin.

Activity #2
Chapter 6 & 7 Quiz
1. Log in to your chromebook. 
2. Go to google classroom & Find Mr. Trumble's ELA 
3. Click on the classwork tab
4. Complete the Ch. 6 quiz ***Use I, C, E, R on Question 10!!!
5. Complete the Ch. 7 quiz 

For Homework - Finish both quizzes if not done.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day 11: 9/18/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 5 Quiz & Reading Chapter 6 & 7


Good Morning, I hope you are all having a terrific morning.

Do Now:

  1. Please make sure you have your homework done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencil

Hello Rebels,

       Today we will complete the chapter 5 quiz, and then read chapters 6 & 7 of Freak the Mighty. 
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
  • Finish Reading Chapter 6 & 7 & complete Reading Guide (Include 2-3 Questions)

Activity #1
Chapter 5 Quiz
1. Log in to your chromebook. 
2. Go to google classroom & Find Mr. Trumble's ELA 
3. Click on the classwork tab
4. Complete the Chapter 5 quiz 

When everyone is done we will go over the chapter 5 reading guide.

Activity #2
Best Question 
(from Freak the Mighty: Chapters 5)

RL6.1 - Making Inferences and using evidence to support your thinking
RL6.3 - Describe how a story, or plot, unfolds in a series of events, including how the characters respond or change

    Review Chapter 5 HW
    Plot events?

    Best Question:
    • Meet with your table group
    • Take turns sharing the level 2 & 3 questions you wrote
    • Discuss your answers to the questions
    • Pick 1 or 2 questions that you think are best
    • We will then share those questions with the whole class

    Activity #2
    Read Chapter 6 & 7
    • Read chapter 6 & 7 with the members of your class 
    • Complete the Reading Guide

    Have a Great Day!

    Tuesday, September 17, 2024

    Day 10: 9/17/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 4 Quiz & Reading Chapter 5


    Good Morning, I hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday.

    Do Now:

    1. Please make sure you have your homework done
    2. Check to see if you have all your materials
    3. Sharpen pencil

    Hello Rebels,

           Today we will complete a quiz for chapter 4 on google classroom, and then read chapter 5 of Freak the Mighty. 
                                    Thank you
                                    Mr. Trumble
    Do Now:

    • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
    • Finish Reading Chapter 5 & complete Reading Guide (Include 2-3 Questions)

    Activity #1
    Chapter 4 Quiz
    1. Log in to your chromebook. 
    2. Go to google classroom & Find Mr. Trumble's ELA (If this is your first time going to my google classroom you will need to add my class using the class code)
    3. Click on the classwork tab
    4. Complete the Chapter 4 quiz - You may use your notes
    When everyone is done we will go over the chapter 4 reading guide.

    Activity #2
    Best Question 
    (from Freak the Mighty: Chapter 4)

    RL6.1 - Making Inferences and using evidence to support your thinking
    RL6.3 - Describe how a story, or plot, unfolds in a series of events, including how the characters respond or change

      Review Chapter 3 HW
      Plot events?

      Best Question: (If time)
      • Meet with your random group of 4
      • Take turns sharing the level 2 & 3 questions you wrote
      • Discuss your answers to the questions
      • Pick 1 or 2 questions that you think are best
      • We will then share those questions with the whole class

      Activity #2
      Read Chapter 5
      • Read chapter 5 with the members of your class 
      • Complete the Reading Guide

      Have a Great Day!

      Monday, September 16, 2024

      Day 9: 9/16/24 - Freak the Mighty - Chapter 3 Quiz & Reading Chapter 4


      Good Morning, I hope you are all having a fabulous Friday.

      Do Now:

      1. Please make sure you have your homework done
      2. Check to see if you have all your materials
      3. Sharpen pencil

      Hello Rebels,

             Today we will complete a quiz for chapter 3 on google classroom, and then read chapter 4 of Freak the Mighty. 
                                      Thank you
                                      Mr. Trumble
      Do Now:

      • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
      • Finish Reading Chapter 4 & complete Reading Guide (Include 2-3 Questions)

      Activity #1
      Chapter 3 Quiz
      1. Log in to your chromebook. 
      2. Go to google classroom & Find Mr. Trumble's ELA (If this is your first time going to my google classroom you will need to add my class using the class code)
      3. Click on the classwork tab
      4. Complete the Chapter 3 quiz (We will do this first quiz together as a whole class. Keep your answers private, but I will read it aloud.

      When everyone is done we will go over the chapter 3 reading guide.

      Activity #2
      Best Question 
      (from Freak the Mighty: Chapter 3)

      RL6.1 - Making Inferences and using evidence to support your thinking
      RL6.3 - Describe how a story, or plot, unfolds in a series of events, including how the characters respond or change

        Review Chapter 3 HW
        Plot events?

        Best Question: (If time)
        • Meet with your random group of 4
        • Take turns sharing the level 2 & 3 questions you wrote
        • Discuss your answers to the questions
        • Pick 1 or 2 questions that you think are best
        • We will then share those questions with the whole class

        Activity #2
        Read Chapter 4
        • Read chapter 4 with the members of your class 
        • Complete the Reading Guide

        Have a Great Day!

        Friday, September 13, 2024

        Day 8: 9/13/24 - Questioning & Freak the Mighty Chapter 3


        Good Morning, I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

        Do Now:

        1. Check to see if you have all your materials
        2. Check your homework
        3. Sharpen pencil


        Hello Rebels,

              Today we will learn about the reading strategy of questioning and read chapter 3 of Freak the Mighty. 
                                        Thank you
                                        Mr. Trumble
        Do Now:

        • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
        • Pick up a copy of today's notes from the black table
        • Finish reading Ch 3 
        • Complete Graphic Organizer
        • Bring Chromebook to class tomorrow

        Activity #1

        Reading Strategy - Questioning?

        ***Get out a blue & yellow highlighter***

        Good readers are actively thinking as they read. Questioning is one strategy we can use to think about a text. Below is one way to categorize questions. 

        It is called: The Depth of Knowledge, or D. O. K.
        The deeper you can go with your thinking the better you will be able to truly understand a text. The depth of knowledge has 4 levels. 

        Level 1 - Has only 1 correct answer, and the answer can be found in the book.

        Ex: What is Freak's mom's name?
        Ex: What does Max get out of the tree for Kevin?

        Level 2 - Has an infinite number of answers, and it puts you in the book. It asks you what you think the characters should do, think, feel, etc. or what you would do, think, feel. etc. 

        Ex: What do you think Max & Kevin should have done when they had their run-in with Tony D. and his gang? 
        Ex: How would you react to Tony D.
        Ex: If you were Max, how would you feel about being in an "LD class"
        Ex: I wonder if we will ever find out why Max's dad is in prison.
        In a level two question we are talking about the book, it's characters, setting, plot, etc, and putting ourselves in the book

        Level 3 - Has an infinite number of answers, and it pulls something that happens in the book and asks you to apply it to your own life?

        Ex: Have you ever had an encounter with a bully? If so, how did you handle it?
        Ex: When was the first time you got to go somewhere alone with just a friend, and no parents to watch you? Where was it, and how did it go?

        In a level 3 question we are no longer talking about the book or the characters. We leave the book behind and talk about situations from our own lives, that are similar to those in the book?

        Level 4 - Require research & additional resources to dig deep into a question. 

        Ex: Can you identify the name of the disease Kevin has, along with describing the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment?
        Ex: How is Kevin from Freak the Mighty similar to Wahoo from the book Chomp?
        Ex: How does bullying affect typical American children?

        Activity #2
        Freak the Mighty: Chapters 3

        RL6.1 - Making Inferences and using evidence to support your thinking
        RL6.2 - Determine how a theme is conveyed through details, and provide a summary of a text

        Reading Strategy - Annotating a Text

        Key Questions from chapter 1 & 2 before Reading Ch. 3:
        • Who are the 2 main characters?
        • What do you know about them? 
        • How do you know? (What is your evidence?)
        • Setting - What's the setting? 
        • Describe Max's bedroom.
        • How does Max describe himself in the first 2 chapters? 
        • What is the basic situation?
        Read Chapter 3 and Complete each section of the Reading Guide. Notice you now have a section to write your own questions. 

        Tomorrow we will go to Google Classroom and take the Chapter 3 Quiz so you will need to bring your chromebook tomorrow.

        Thursday, September 12, 2024

        Day 7: 9/12/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 1 & 2


        Good Morning, I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

        Do Now:

        1. Check to see if you have all your materials
        2. Check that you have your homework complete
        3. Sharpen pencils


        Hello 6th Graders,

                  Today we will participate in an activity called Mix & Mingle. We will also read chapters 1 & 2 of Freak the Mighty.
                                        Thank you
                                         Mr. Trumble
        Do Now
          • Take out your Figurative Language Practice
          • Write down tonight's homework in your agenda
          • Pick up a copy of Freak the Mighty
        • Finish reading  Ch 1 & 2
        • Complete the Reading Guide

        Activity #1
        Review: Figurative Language
        Mix & Mingle

        Goal: I can collaborate with my peers to find and label figurative language within a passage.

        Mix & Mingle (Also Know as Give One to Get One)
        • Get up out of your seat and find a partner to share your homework responses with.
          • When I ring the bell you will find a partner. You will have just 60 seconds to work with that partner.
          • Give your partner 1 of the answers on your graphic organizer.
          • Get one answer from your partner. 
          • You may change answers, or add to the answers you already have.
          • When the whistle blows find a new partner
          • Repeat the process of Giving one response, and getting one response. 
          • The goal is to work together to find and label as many of the examples of figurative language as you can.

        Activity #2
        And Now... Freak the Mighty Chapter 1

        Turn & Talk
        Prompt #1 - What does it mean to be a good friend? Explain in detail.

        Prompt #2 - How should you treat people who are different from you? Explain your thinking.

        Read chapter 1 & 2 of Freak the Mighty & complete the Reading Guide. Be sure to:
        • Write as detailed a response as you can on each part of the guide. 
        • Write neatly. 
        • Write in an appropriate size. 

        Goal: I can read and annotate a text.

        Reading Strategy - Annotating a Text
        • While you read it is important to annotate. (Take Notes) This will help you understand the story
        • As you take notes begin to think about the literary elements, especially figurative language.
        • In the beginning of all stories good readers should pay attention to the characters, setting and basic situations.
          • Think: Who are the characters, and what do I know about them?
          • Think: Where and when does the story take place?
          • Think: What is the basic situation? For example - Are you an astronaut flying through outer space? Are you a young boy who has been orphaned? Are you a spy trying catch a super villain. Are you a time traveling scientist trying to find your way back home? etc...
        Have a great day!

        Wednesday, September 11, 2024

        Day 6: 9/11/24 - STAR Assessment (Fall)


        Good Morning, I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday.

        Do Now:

        1. Check that your homework is done
        2. Check to see if you have all your materials
        3. Sharpen pencils


        Good Morning 6th Graders,

                   Today we will take our first STAR Reading test.                                    Thank you
                                        Mr. Trumble
        Do Now:

        • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
        • Log in to your Chromebook
        • Finish Fig Language Practice

        Activity #1
        STAR Reading Assessment

        Tips to do your best

        • Take your Time
        • Read carefully
        • Reread when needed
        • Read ALL answers before choosing one
        • Use process of elimination
        • DO NOT RUSH!!!!
        To get to the STAR Online Assessment:
        • Go to Clever and locate the Renaissance (Pink R) Icon.
        • Click on it 
        • Wait for further directions
        Once you are logged into STAR:
        • Click on Take a Reading Test
        • Make sure you select ELA Mr. Trumble
        • ***If your computer asks for the monitor password, it is "admin"

        When you finish:
        • Work on your Figurative Language Practice (If not done
        • Independently Read
        • YOU MAY NOT use your chromebook except to complete your STAR test! 
        The room should remain silent and you should remain in your seats unless it is an emergency. If you do not finish your STAR test make sure I know, so we can pause your test and have you finish during WIN. 

        Good Luck!!! 

        Tuesday, September 10, 2024

        Day 5: 9/10/24 - Figurative Language


        Good Morning, I hope you all are having a terrific Tuesday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

        Do Now:

        1. Check to see that you have all your materials & homework is complete
        2. Sharpen pencils


        Hello 6th Graders,

                    Today we will review the Legend of King Arthur and learn about the literary element of figurative language. 

                                        Thank you
                                        Mr. Trumble

        DO NOW:
        1. Take out the Legend of King Arthur

        2. Write your homework in your agenda

        • Complete Figurative Language Practice

        Activity #1
        The Legend of King Arthur
        (Whole Group Review)
        RI6.1 Making inferences about an Informational text and supporting it with relevant evidence

        Review your written responses with the people at your table. Feel free to add, change, or edit your answers. You'll have just a few minutes to share, then we will go over the answers as a whole class. 

        Key Questions:
        1. What significance do you think the legend of King Arthur had for medieval England?
        2. How is Merlin responsible for making Arthur King?
        3. Infer: How does seating the knights at a round table promote equality within their groups?
        4. Explain the relationship between King Arthur, Guinevere, and Sir Lancelot.

        Activity #2
        Interactive Notebook Notes
        Topic: Figurative Language
        • Figurative Language is when words go beyond their literal meaning
        • Simile
          • uses the words 'like' or 'as' to compare one thing with another. 
            • Ex: She was as busy as a bee. He played like a beast during the basketball game.
        • Metaphor
          • makes a direct comparison between one thing and another. 
            • Ex: He was a beast during the basketball game.
        • Personification
          • when human characteristics are given to an animal or nonliving object.
            • Ex: my teddy bear gave me a hug. The lightening danced across the sky. The wind howled.
        • Hyperbole
          • An exaggeration that is so dramatic that no one would believe the statement is true. Often used to make a point. 
            • Ex: He's got a million video games. 
            • Redbull - It gives you wings!
        • Alliteration
          • The repetition of the initial sound in closely connected words
            • Ex: Go and gather the green garbage in the gutter
            • She sells sea shells down by the sea shore
        • Onomatopoeia
          • Sound Words
            • Ex: The car went boom!
            • Ex: Splash, buzz, zip, zoom, etc.
        • Idiom
          • an expression that cannot be understood by the words alone
            • Ex: It's raining cats and dogs
            • Ex: Hold your horses
            • Ex: I have a frog in my throat
        • Allusion:
          • A reference made to something that is not directly mentioned
            • Kevin calls his mom the "Fair Gwen" - a reference to the Fair Guinevere from the Legend of King Arthur

        Independent or with a Partner
        Use your notes on figurative language to complete the figurative language practice. I will show you how to find the first one.

        Have a great day.

        Monday, September 9, 2024

        Day 4: 9/9/24 - What are the Literary Elements & King Arthur


                  Good morning. I hope you are all having a wonderful morning. Please use this time to get ready for your morming classes.

        Do Now:

        • Make sure you have all your materials and homework
        • Sharpen your pencils


                    I hope you are all having a great day. Today we will get our first set of notes on the literary elements and learn about King Arthur.

                                        Thank you
                                        Mr. Trumble

        DO NOW:

        • Write your homework in your agenda
        • Take out your "Who Are You" assignment & cut out the shield carefully

        • Finish Reading the Legend of King Arthur & complete questions 1 - 4. (If not done in class)

        Activity #1
        Who Are You
        1. Cut out the shield
        2. Choose a piece of construction paper
        3. Glue the shield to the construction paper
        4. Put your finished shield in the red bin
        5. I will come around to Collect the personal information page

        Activity #2
        What are the Literary Elements?
        (Notes go on the next page in your interactive notebook)
        (This is a copy of notes from a previous year)

        Activity #3 & Homework
        The Legend of King Arthur
        RI6.1 Making inferences about an Informational text and supporting it with relevant evidence

        Read the Legend of King Arthur with a partner, and answer the comprehension questions. The Legend of King Arthur is important to the novel we'll be reading called, Freak the Mighty.

        Key Questions:
        1. What significance do you think the legend of King Arthur had for medieval England? (Why was this story important to people?

        2. How is Merlin responsible for making Arthur King?

        3. Infer: How does seating the knights at a round table promote equality within their groups?

        4. Explain the relationship between King Arthur, Guinevere, and Sir Lancelot.