APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Friday, May 17, 2024

Day 153: 5/17/24 - Project Day #1


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils
8:50 - 8:58 Homeroom
9:00 - 10:00 PUBERTY
10:00 - 10:26 Block 1
10:29 - 10:55 Block 2
10:58 - 11:24 Block 3
11:27 - 11:53 Block 4
Specials 11:55 - 12:20 
Lunch 12"20 - 12:50
Report to the Gymnasium at 12:50
1:15 - ???? Talent Show
???? - 3:20 WIN/Outside

5th Grade Video

6th Grade Video


Good day 6th Graders,      

        Today we will start working on your actual Learning Fair Project.
                        Thank you,
                        Mr. Trumble
Do Now: 
1. Write down your homework
2. Go to page 86

  • Finish Outlining your information )If not Done
  • Work on your Learning Fair Project (Due Wed 6/5)
Activity #1
Project Time!!!

Outlining & Organizing:
Now that you have gathered information it is time to organize it to make it easier to put together your Learning Fair Presentation.

Your Goal:
Take all of the information you gathered and organize it according to:
  • Problem/Issue
  • Causes (or Pro's)
  • Effects (or Cons)
  • Solutions 
  • Begin with 1 article at a time
  • Read each piece of information you gathered
  • Write it in the appropriate category
  • Repeat
  • You should be able to explain each of these categories in your own words
  • You should also be able to explain why you care about your topic, or why the topic is important

Activity #2
Research Projects
  • Work on Research Project
    • Planning
    • Heading
    • Use the Decorative tape to create sections on your Tri-fold board
    • Sub-headings
      • Problem & Solution
      • Causes & Effects
      • Pros & Cons
    • Information
      • Work on making printed materials for your research projects
      • That may include:
      • Headings (large, Bold, Various Fonts)
      • Subheadings (Large, Bold, Various Fonts)
      • Making bulleted lists
      • Printing picture, images, graphs, & diagrams
      • Bulleted lists can be Typed or Hand written (Write Big!!!) 
    • Images w/captions
    • Graphics like: Charts, Graphs, & Diagrams
    • Make them LARGE and use Colored backing paper to make them stand out.
    • Model
    • Notecards

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