APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Day 19: 10/13/20 - Freak the Mighty Ch. 11

Good Morning 6th Graders,

          Please make sure you have everything you need for your classes. Today we will read aloud chapter 11 of Freak the Mighty and we will continue to work on the reading strategy of questioning.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
  • Log in to your Chromebook
  • Go to kidblog and pull up your question
  • Read Chapter 11 & complete the reading guide
  • Complete the Chapter 11 Quiz on Google classroom
  • Blog - Write a Question & Answer 2-3 Questions

Activity #1
Reading Strategy - Questioning?
Before we begin, we need to take a moment and look at how we answer a question in a paragraph. I am getting tired of seeing your 1 sentence answers to questions that ask you to write in a paragraph. You are losing points on your quizzes, and as of right now, I am assuming that most of you don't know how to write a paragraph.

Here is a question from your ch. 7 quiz.

9. Max and Kevin face one of their first conflicts together on the 4th of July? What do you think of the way Max & Kevin handled Tony D. & his gang? How would you deal with Tony D. if you were in Max's shoes?

Here is an example of a properly written response. You can use I, D, E, R as a way to organize your writing. 

I - Intro (This is where you turn the question into a statement using proper nouns)
D - Details (This is where you answer the question using specific details. You will usually need multiple sentences)
E - Evidence (This is where you support your answer with specific evidence from the text)
R - Reflect (This is where you reflect, or share your own thoughts, about the question/topic)

*always use words from the question in your intro, and never use pronouns, before you use proper nouns.
*Some times your answer might look like this: I, D, E, D, E, R or I, D, D, E, E, R or I, D, E, D, E, D, E, R
*Every paragraph needs an intro & a reflection. The number of details, and evidence you use will vary.

(I) On the 4th of July Max and Kevin have a conflict with Tony D. and his gang. (D) I think that Max and Kevin handled it as well as they could. (D) I probably would have done the same thing they did, except for calling Tony names. (E) Even though Max is bigger than Tony, he knew that if he got into a fight with him that he would have to fight his entire gang. (E) Kevin stood up for themselves by calling Tony a cretin, which I always encourage people to do, however it could have turned out very bad for him if the cops hadn't driven by. (R) I am not sure that calling Tony a name was a good idea, and I think they were very lucky that the cops made Tony and his gang run off.

Level 1 - Has only 1 correct answer, and the answer can be found in the book.

Level 2 - Has an infinite number of answers, and it puts you in the book and asks you what you think the characters should do, think, feel, etc. or what you would do, think, feel. etc. 
In a level two question we are talking about the book, it's characters, setting, plot, etc, and putting ourselves in the book

Level 3 - Has an infinite number of answers, and it pulls something that happens in the book, and asks you to apply it to your own life?
In a level 3 question we are no longer talking about the book or the characters. We leave the book behind and talk about situations from our own lives, that are similar to those in the book?

Level 4 - Require research & additional resources to dig deep into a question. 

Activity #2
Freak the Mighty: Chapter 11

RL6.1 - Making Inferences and using evidence to support your thinking
RL6.3 - Describe how a story, or plot, unfolds in a series of events, including how the characters respond or change

    • Read chapter 11
    • Complete the Reading Guide (Can be the paper copy, or it can be the google form in the assignment section of google classroom)
    • Take the quiz on google classroom. Be sure to answer in complete sentences when needed
    Key Questions:
    Ch. 11 
    1. What is the primary setting?
    2. What type of place are the tenements?
    3. Can you describe Loretta Lee?
    4. How would describe Iggy?
    5. What do we learn about Freak's dad?

    Have a great day!

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