APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Day 7: 9/12/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 1 & 2


Good Morning, I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

Do Now:

  1. Check to see if you have all your materials
  2. Check that you have your homework complete
  3. Sharpen pencils


Hello 6th Graders,

          Today we will participate in an activity called Mix & Mingle. We will also read chapters 1 & 2 of Freak the Mighty.
                                Thank you
                                 Mr. Trumble
Do Now
    • Take out your Figurative Language Practice
    • Write down tonight's homework in your agenda
    • Pick up a copy of Freak the Mighty
  • Finish reading  Ch 1 & 2
  • Complete the Reading Guide

Activity #1
Review: Figurative Language
Mix & Mingle

Goal: I can collaborate with my peers to find and label figurative language within a passage.

Mix & Mingle (Also Know as Give One to Get One)
  • Get up out of your seat and find a partner to share your homework responses with.
    • When I ring the bell you will find a partner. You will have just 60 seconds to work with that partner.
    • Give your partner 1 of the answers on your graphic organizer.
    • Get one answer from your partner. 
    • You may change answers, or add to the answers you already have.
    • When the whistle blows find a new partner
    • Repeat the process of Giving one response, and getting one response. 
    • The goal is to work together to find and label as many of the examples of figurative language as you can.

Activity #2
And Now... Freak the Mighty Chapter 1

Turn & Talk
Prompt #1 - What does it mean to be a good friend? Explain in detail.

Prompt #2 - How should you treat people who are different from you? Explain your thinking.

Read chapter 1 & 2 of Freak the Mighty & complete the Reading Guide. Be sure to:
  • Write as detailed a response as you can on each part of the guide. 
  • Write neatly. 
  • Write in an appropriate size. 

Goal: I can read and annotate a text.

Reading Strategy - Annotating a Text
  • While you read it is important to annotate. (Take Notes) This will help you understand the story
  • As you take notes begin to think about the literary elements, especially figurative language.
  • In the beginning of all stories good readers should pay attention to the characters, setting and basic situations.
    • Think: Who are the characters, and what do I know about them?
    • Think: Where and when does the story take place?
    • Think: What is the basic situation? For example - Are you an astronaut flying through outer space? Are you a young boy who has been orphaned? Are you a spy trying catch a super villain. Are you a time traveling scientist trying to find your way back home? etc...
Have a great day!

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