APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Day 11: 9/18/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 5 Quiz & Reading Chapter 6 & 7


Good Morning, I hope you are all having a terrific morning.

Do Now:

  1. Please make sure you have your homework done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencil

Hello Rebels,

       Today we will complete the chapter 5 quiz, and then read chapters 6 & 7 of Freak the Mighty. 
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
  • Finish Reading Chapter 6 & 7 & complete Reading Guide (Include 2-3 Questions)

Activity #1
Chapter 5 Quiz
1. Log in to your chromebook. 
2. Go to google classroom & Find Mr. Trumble's ELA 
3. Click on the classwork tab
4. Complete the Chapter 5 quiz 

When everyone is done we will go over the chapter 5 reading guide.

Activity #2
Best Question 
(from Freak the Mighty: Chapters 5)

RL6.1 - Making Inferences and using evidence to support your thinking
RL6.3 - Describe how a story, or plot, unfolds in a series of events, including how the characters respond or change

    Review Chapter 5 HW
    Plot events?

    Best Question:
    • Meet with your table group
    • Take turns sharing the level 2 & 3 questions you wrote
    • Discuss your answers to the questions
    • Pick 1 or 2 questions that you think are best
    • We will then share those questions with the whole class

    Activity #2
    Read Chapter 6 & 7
    • Read chapter 6 & 7 with the members of your class 
    • Complete the Reading Guide

    Have a Great Day!

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