APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Day 1: 9/4/24 - The 1st Day of School

Good Morning New 6th Graders,

          Welcome back to school and welcome to 6th Grade. I am very excited to see you! I hope you all had a wonderful summer. Homeroom is a time to go to your locker and prepare for the day. It is not a time to goof around.  I have lots of information to give you today, so hold all your questions and I promise I will address everyone of them. 

          Each day as you enter the room please read the morning message and complete the "Do Now". I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. It is going to be a very exciting year.
                                       Thank You,
                                       Mr. Trumble
Do Now:         
1. Find a seat 

2. Pick up a piece of card stock from the small black table, and create a name tent for yourself. See mine for an example. You can use my markers. Write big & neat, and include 3 small pictures that represent you. 


  • Get ALL Important papers signed and returned.

Normal Schedule:

6th Grade Daily Schedule

8:40 - 9:08         Homeroom/S.E.L.
9:10 - 9:57           Block 1
10:00 - 10:47      Block 2
10:50 - 11:37       Block 3
11:40 - 12:20       Band/Music/Chorus
12:23 - 12:53        Lunch
12:55 - 1:42          Block 4
1:45 - 2:37           W.I.N.
2:40 - 3:20          Special Area
3:20 - 3:30          Dismissal  

Today's Agenda:
1. Finish Name Tents 
2. Introductions
3. Find a Friend
4. 6th Grade Schedules
5. Lockers & Locker Cards/materials, Folders & Agendas

  •      *Pass out Locker Card
  •      *Never lock your Locker card in your locker
  • When to go to your locker:

1) During Homeroom

2) In Between classes

3) Before going home

**** Today we will go outside at 11:15

6. Pass out Important Papers (12:55 - 1:42)

1)      Confidential Health Form

2)      Technology Permission Slip

3)      Student Info Verification Form

4)      All about me - Due Friday 

7. Town Hall Meeting @ ? (Hallway)

***Games: This or That

8. Outside (Be inside by 2:30)

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