APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Friday, September 6, 2024

Day 3: 9/6/24 - Getting Ready for Unit 1


          Please make sure you have all of your materials for your morning classes and sharpen your pencils. 

Do now:

  • Take out all of the important forms you got signed (Collect all paperwork)


          Today we will prepare for Unit 1 and we will have time to work on the "Who Are You" shield. 

                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

1. Write your homework in your agenda
2. Take out your permission slips so I can collect them

  • Finish "Who Are You" Activity
  • Return Permission slips (If you did not get it done last night)

  1. Collect Permission Slips
  2. Review Materials and label them
  3. Set up Notebook for Unit 1
  4. Work on "Who Are You"

Materials for E.L.A.
- Blue Folder
- Agenda
- Spiral Notebook
- E.L.A. Folder
- Novel
- Pencil
- Colored Pencils
- Colored pens***
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
- High Lighters

Page 1 - STAR Data Tracking Sheet
Page 2 - Blank 
Page 3 - Title Page & Tab

Title for Unit 1: 
Literary Response and the Literary Elements
(Label Tab: Unit 1)

(Picture of old Title page)

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