APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Day 177: 6/25/24 - The Last Day of School


          Good Morning, and Happy last day of school!


9:00 - 9:25   Special Area

9:30 - 10:30   Outside, games, Yearbooks, etc...

****10:30**** Senior Walkthrough

10:40 - 11:30   Outside, games, Yearbooks, etc...

11:35 - 12:05   Lunch & Report Cards

12:05 - 12:35   Meet the Teacher 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Day 176: 6/24/24 - Only 1 More Day


          Good Morning. Today we will do some fun stuff.

9:00 - 11:55           Fun Stuff
Movies, yearbooks, scrabble, games, etc
11:55 - 12:20          Special Area
12:20 - 12:50         Lunch
12:50                       Dismissal

Friday, June 21, 2024

Day 175: 6/21/24 - The 6th Grade Breakfast


          Good Morning. Today we will attend the 6th Grade Breakfast and see the End of the Year video. We will also have a final rehearsal for the moving up ceremony.

Breakfast    9:00 - 9:45ish
Rehearsal    9:45ish - 11:00 
Scrabble or outside  11:00 - 11:30
Music Block/Study Skills 11:30 - 12:10
Lunch 12:30 - 1:00
***Option time 1:00 - 1:55
Specials 1:55 - 2:35
Locker clean out 2:35 - 2:45
Outside 2:45 - 3:20
Dismissal 3:20 - 3:30

Arrive to the Ceremony 5:30 - 5:45
  ***NO LATER THAN 5:45***
Line Up for Ceremony 5:45 - 6:00
Ceremony 6:00 - 6:45

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Day 174: 6/20/24 - Rehearsal


          Good Morning. Today we will be rehearsing for tomorrow's moving up ceremony.

Rehearsal    9:00 - 11:00 
Music Block/Study Skills 11:30 - 12:10
Lunch 12:30 - 1:00
Food Presentation Holmes/Mullin 1:05 - 1:35
Food Presentation Trumble/Faulkner 1:40 - 2:10 (Then Report to special area)
Specials 1:55 - 2:35

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Day 173: 6/18/24 - The Last Day of Class


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


 Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will see several "How To" demos. 


Activity #1 
Finish How to Demos

Activity #2

Basic Rules

Here is a brief overview of Scrabble rules. For more precise rules, seek an official Scrabble rulebook.
  • For each Scrabble game, there must be at least two-players and no more than four.
  • The person who draws the earliest letter in the alphabet plays first.
  • Once the order of turns is established, each person draws six (We will draw 9) more tiles in that order.
  • The game progresses as each player lays down tiles on the board that make up words that connect to already played words, like making one big crossword puzzle.
  • Tiles can only be placed from left to right or from top to bottom. Words placed diagonally or backwards are not allowed.
  • After each turn, the tile values are added up and placed on the score sheet, and the person draws the number of tiles they used for their last play, always having seven (We will have 10) tiles until all tiles run out.
  • The person with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Day 172: 6/17/24 - Bowling Field Trip

  Good Morning Sixth Graders,

          Happy bowling Day!  We will be leaving right after the announcements. Please make sure you are on your best behavior. You wouldn't want to have to sit out of all the fun. 

Do Now:
  • Use the bathroom
  • Make sure you have your drinks & snacks that you want to bring with you
                                     Thank you
                                     Mr. Trumble

Friday, June 14, 2024

Day 171: 6/14/24 - "How to..." Demos


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils
8:50 - 8:58  Homeroom 
9:00 - 9:15  WIN - holding signs in gymnasium
9:30 - 10:30  Flag Day Ceremony 
10:30 - 11:00 WIN (Outside? Let's pray for a nice day)
11:00 - 11:25  Specials 
11:28 - 11:45 Block 1
11:45 - 12:15 Lunch
12:18 - 12:35 Block 1 continued
12:38 - 1:12 Block 2
1:15 - 1: 49 Block 3
1:51 - 2:25 Block 4
2:38 - 3:25 WIN


 Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will see several "How To" demos. 
Do Now: 
1. Fill out your Agenda with tonight's Homework
2. If you are presenting today, make sure you have the worksheet with the procedures, and all your materials.
  • Bring in materials for your "How to" demo on your assigned day. 

Activity #1 
"How to" Demonstrations

Create a step by step presentation to teach the class "How to do something that is meaningful to you.

Tips to choose a good topic:
  • Be sure your demo is something that has steps
  • Think about the things that you do on a daily basis
  • foods (Ex: PB & J, Pancakes, cookies, Cotton candy, brownies, Grilled cheese, a family favorite treat, etc) 
  • Crafts (Friendship bracelets, rubber band bracelets, etc)
  • Hobby related things
  • Hair - Braiding, French braid, fishtail bread, etc
Things to avoid:
  • playing a sport, or sports moves
  • Any complex movements
  • drawing
  • doing something that doesn't have steps
  • dances
  • things that are too easy or too hard
  • things that will take too long (demos should only be about 5 - 7 minutes)
  • Nothing to do with apps or phones

Drafting Steps For "How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Create a list of materials/ingredients you will need
Step 2: Write out the steps for your "How To" Demonstrations. Be specific.
Step 3: Evaluate your draft with the help of a friend. Ask yourself if your steps are precise enough that any person could use the procedures you wrote up to successfully perform your "How To"

While you are working I will be having you sign up for a day to present your "How to" demo. It will be your responsibility to bring in the materials you need on, or before, the day of your demonstration. 

"How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Introduce yourself, and tell your audience what you are going to show them how to do and why. (Speak in a loud, clear voice)
Step 2: Share the materials, or ingredients, that you need. 
Step 3: Share, show, and perform each step of your demonstration
Step 4: Answer questions from the audience.
Step 5: Clean up 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Day 170: 6/13/24 - "How to..." Demos


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


 Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will see several "How To" demos. 
Do Now: 
1. Fill out your Agenda with tonight's Homework
2. If you are presenting today, make sure you have the worksheet with the procedures, and all your materials.
  • Bring in materials for your "How to" demo on your assigned day. 

Activity #1 
"How to" Demonstrations

Create a step by step presentation to teach the class "How to do something that is meaningful to you.

Tips to choose a good topic:
  • Be sure your demo is something that has steps
  • Think about the things that you do on a daily basis
  • foods (Ex: PB & J, Pancakes, cookies, Cotton candy, brownies, Grilled cheese, a family favorite treat, etc) 
  • Crafts (Friendship bracelets, rubber band bracelets, etc)
  • Hobby related things
  • Hair - Braiding, French braid, fishtail bread, etc
Things to avoid:
  • playing a sport, or sports moves
  • Any complex movements
  • drawing
  • doing something that doesn't have steps
  • dances
  • things that are too easy or too hard
  • things that will take too long (demos should only be about 5 - 7 minutes)
  • Nothing to do with apps or phones

Drafting Steps For "How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Create a list of materials/ingredients you will need
Step 2: Write out the steps for your "How To" Demonstrations. Be specific.
Step 3: Evaluate your draft with the help of a friend. Ask yourself if your steps are precise enough that any person could use the procedures you wrote up to successfully perform your "How To"

While you are working I will be having you sign up for a day to present your "How to" demo. It will be your responsibility to bring in the materials you need on, or before, the day of your demonstration. 

"How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Introduce yourself, and tell your audience what you are going to show them how to do and why. (Speak in a loud, clear voice)
Step 2: Share the materials, or ingredients, that you need. 
Step 3: Share, show, and perform each step of your demonstration
Step 4: Answer questions from the audience.
Step 5: Clean up 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Day 169: 6/12/24 - "How to..." Demos


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


 Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will see several "How To" demos. 
Do Now: 
1. Fill out your Agenda with tonight's Homework
2. If you are presenting today, make sure you have the worksheet with the procedures, and all your materials.
  • Bring in materials for your "How to" demo on your assigned day. 

Activity #1 
"How to" Demonstrations

Create a step by step presentation to teach the class "How to do something that is meaningful to you.

Drafting Steps For "How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Create a list of materials/ingredients you will need
Step 2: Write out the steps for your "How To" Demonstrations. Be specific.
Step 3: Evaluate your draft with the help of a friend. Ask yourself if your steps are precise enough that any person could use the procedures you wrote up to successfully perform your "How To"

"How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Introduce yourself, and tell your audience what you are going to show them how to do and why. (Speak in a loud, clear voice)
Step 2: Share the materials, or ingredients, that you need. 
Step 3: Share, show, and perform each step of your demonstration
Step 4: Answer questions from the audience.
Step 5: Clean up 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Day 168: 6/11/24 - Fun Days


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Block 1 9:00 - 9:13
Block 2 9:15 - 9:30
9:30 Return to homeroom & Report to inflatable race
Fun Days 10:15 - 11:15
Change Clothes
Music Block 11:27 - 12:10
SEL 12:13 - 12:30
Lunch 12:30 - 1:00
Block 3 1:05 - 1:27
Block 4 1:30 - 1:52
Specials 1:55 - 2:35
WIN/Outside2:35 - 3:30

 Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today you will have time to work on your "How To" demos. 

Do Now: 
1. Fill out your Agenda with tonight's Homework
  • Bring in materials for your "How to" demo on your assigned day. 

Activity #1
Create a step by step presentation to teach the class How to do something that is meaningful to you.

Drafting Steps For "How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Create a list of materials/ingredients you will need
Step 2: Write out the steps for your "How To" Demonstrations. BE SPECIFIC!!!
Step 3: Evaluate your draft with the help of a friend. Ask yourself if your steps are precise enough that any person could use your procedures to successfully perform your "How To"

It will be your responsibility to bring in the materials you need on, or the day of your demonstration. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Day 167: 6/10/24 - "How to..." Demos


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils
8:50 - 8:58 Homeroom
9:00 - 9:34 Block 1
9:37 - 10:11 Block 2
10:14 - 10:48 Block 3
10:51 - 11:25 Block 4
11:28 - 12:10 Music Block
12:13 - 12:30 SEL
12:30 - 12:55 Lunch
12:55  Travel to Jr/Sr High
1:00 - 2:00ish Visitation
2:00ish travel back to Elementary
2:05ish - 2:35 Special Areas
2:35 - 3:25 WIN
3:30 Dismissal


 Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will see several "How To" demos. 
Do Now: 
1. Fill out your Agenda with tonight's Homework
2. If you are presenting today, make sure you have the worksheet with the procedures, and all your materials.
  • Bring in materials for your "How to" demo on your assigned day. 

Activity #1 
"How to" Demonstrations

Create a step by step presentation to teach the class "How to do something that is meaningful to you.

Tips to choose a good topic:
  • Be sure your demo is something that has steps
  • Think about the things that you do on a daily basis
  • foods (Ex: PB & J, Pancakes, cookies, Cotton candy, brownies, Grilled cheese, a family favorite treat, etc) 
  • Crafts (Friendship bracelets, rubber band bracelets, etc)
  • Hobby related things
  • Hair - Braiding, French braid, fishtail bread, etc
Things to avoid:
  • playing a sport, or sports moves
  • Any complex movements
  • drawing
  • doing something that doesn't have steps
  • dances
  • things that are too easy or too hard
  • things that will take too long (demos should only be about 5 - 7 minutes)
  • Nothing to do with apps or phones

Drafting Steps For "How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Create a list of materials/ingredients you will need
Step 2: Write out the steps for your "How To" Demonstrations. Be specific.
Step 3: Evaluate your draft with the help of a friend. Ask yourself if your steps are precise enough that any person could use the procedures you wrote up to successfully perform your "How To"

While you are working I will be having you sign up for a day to present your "How to" demo. It will be your responsibility to bring in the materials you need on, or before, the day of your demonstration. 

"How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Introduce yourself, and tell your audience what you are going to show them how to do and why. (Speak in a loud, clear voice)
Step 2: Share the materials, or ingredients, that you need. 
Step 3: Share, show, and perform each step of your demonstration
Step 4: Answer questions from the audience.
Step 5: Clean up 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Day 166: 6/7/24 - Intro to "How to..." Demos


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

    Today I will introduce you to "How to" Demos, and we will talk about the Learning Fair.

                        Thank you
                       Mr. Trumble
Do Now: 
1. Fill out your Agenda with tonight's Homework
  • Complete your "How to" demo
  • Gather the materials you need for your demonstration
Activity #1 
"How to" Demonstrations

Create a step by step presentation to teach the class "How to do something that is meaningful to you.

Tips to choose a good topic:
  • Be sure your demo is something that has steps
  • Think about the things that you do on a daily basis
  • foods (Ex: PB & J, Pancakes, cookies, Cotton candy, brownies, Grilled cheese, a family favorite treat, etc) 
  • Crafts (Friendship bracelets, rubber band bracelets, etc)
  • Hobby related things
  • Hair - Braiding, French braid, fishtail bread, etc
Things to avoid:
  • playing a sport, or sports moves
  • Any complex movements
  • drawing
  • doing something that doesn't have steps
  • dances
  • things that are too easy or too hard
  • things that will take too long (demos should only be about 5 - 7 minutes)
  • Nothing to do with apps or phones

Drafting Steps For "How To" Demonstrations

Step 1: Create a list of materials/ingredients you will need
Step 2: Write out the steps for your "How To" Demonstrations. Be specific.
Step 3: Evaluate your draft with the help of a friend. Ask yourself if your steps are precise enough that any person could use the procedures you wrote up to successfully perform your "How To"

While you are working I will be having you sign up for a day to present your "How to" demo. It will be your responsibility to bring in the materials you need on, or before, the day of your demonstration. 

Sign ups for "How to" Demonstrations

    Monday 6/10                                        Wednesday 6/12
1. _____________________            1. _____________________
2. _____________________            2. _____________________
3. _____________________            3. _____________________
4. _____________________            4. _____________________
5. _____________________            5. _____________________

    Thursday 6/13                                       Friday 6/14
1. _____________________            1. _____________________
2. _____________________            2. _____________________
3. _____________________            3. _____________________
4. _____________________            4. _____________________
5. _____________________            5. _____________________

Have a great day!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Day 165: 6/6/24 - The Learning Fair


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


Good day 6th Graders,      

       Today we will be presenting our research projects.
                        Thank you ,
                        Mr. Trumble
Do Now: 
1. Take out your copy of Learning Fair Protocols
2. Take out your Notecards
3. Take out your Judges Evaluation Forms

  • Come to the Learning Fair (If you can)
Activity #1
The Learning Fair
1. How will things go today for the Learning Fair?
2. How should I judge research projects?
3. How should I present my research project?

Schedule for the Learning Fair 6/6/24

8:45 - 8:58 Set up Projects

9:00 – 9:43 Special Area

Block 1 (9:48 – 10:10)

Block 2 (10:13 – 10:35)

Block 3 (10:38 – 11:00)

Block 4 (11:03 – 11:25)

11:28 – 12:10 Music

12:13 – 12:30 S.E.L. or Read Aloud 

12:30 1:00 Lunch

1:00 – 1:10 Prepare for Presentations & Directions

1:10 – 1:35 Block 1 Presenters (Presentation Session #1)

1:40 – 2:05 Block 2 Presenters (Presentation Session #2)

2:10 – 2:35 Block 3 Presenters (Presentation Session #3)

2:40 – 3:05 Block 4 Presenters (Presentation Session #4)

*** During each session the students who are not presenting will be judging. ***

  • Ø  Each Presenter will present their project 3 times during their 25 minute session
  • Ø  Each presenter should have a minimum of 3 judges per presentation
  • Ø  I will blow the whistle to indicate that it is time for the presentation to start & end
  • Ø  Between Presentations the judges will rotate to a new presenter
  • Ø  At the end of each session the judges will return the evaluation forms to the judges box
  • Ø  The next presenters will have a 5 minute time period to prepare for their presentation
  • Ø  The judges will have 5 minutes to get new evaluation forms from the Judges table
  • Ø  When we are completely finished, each judge should have evaluated 9 projects & each presenter should have been evaluated by a minimum of 9 judges.

3:10 – 3:25 Free View other Projects or go outside

3:25 Pack up & Dismissal

Activity #2
How to Present & Judge Research Projects

  • Start by Introducing yourself
  • Discuss why you chose the topic 
  • Share information about the Problem or Issue
  • Explain the Causes (or Pros) 
  • Explain the Effects (or Cons)
  • Present the Solutions - Include your thoughts on the solutions
  • Share the graph, chart, or diagram you included
  • Tell the judges about your images, and what you are trying to show
  • Share your model and discuss what it is all about
  • Be prepared to answer questions from the judges
  • Listen to the presenter share each part of their project
  • As they share score them according to each criteria.
  • Give them a score from 1 - 5. Be fair with your judging. You should have a reason for each score you give. (Scores are subjective, meaning that they are based partly on your opinion)
  • Once you have scored each category ask questions to the presenters about their projects.
  • Lastly, make any comments you would like.
  • Add up your total points and put the score in the space provided.
  • Find a friend and go to your project in the gym. Practice presenting your project. You will have 6 - 7 minutes to present. Then Switch.