APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Friday, October 11, 2024

Day 28: 10/11/24 - Share your Frayer


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


8:55 – 9:12 Homeroom

9:15 – 9:50 Block 1

9:53 – 10:28 Block 2

10:31 – 10:40 Report to HR – WIN –  

10:45 – 11:10  Holmes and Mullin report to cafeteria at 10:45

                        Faulkner and Trumble report to Firetrucks at 10:45

                        Holmes and Mullin report to Fire trucks at 11:00

                        Faulkner and Trumble report to cafeteria at 11:00

11:10 – 11:42 Outside if nice! Town Hall meeting?

11:45 – 12:25 Music Block

12:28 – 12:58 Lunch

1:00 – 1:35 Block 3

1:38 – 2:13 Block 4

2:15 – 2:43 WIN/Choice Time

2:45 – 3:25 Specials

Get their things to go home

3:35 Dismissal


Good day 6th Graders,      

        Today we will finish our Frayer models, and share them with each other in small groups.
                        Thank you ,
                        Mr. Trumble       
Do Now:
  • Write Down the your homework
  • Take out your Frayer Model
  • Finish any past due quizzes or assignments
  • Enjoy your weekend

Activity #1
Finish Frayer (Vocabulary) Models

Frayer models are a fun simple way to learn new vocabulary.


  • Pick a vocabulary word from chapter 1 - 10 to create a Frayer vocabulary Model

Frayer Models have 6 sections

  1. The word goes in the middle (Big and Bold)
  2. Sentence from the text goes in the top left. Include the page number.
    • Copy the whole sentence. Properly!
  3. The definition of the word goes in the top right. Include the part of speech (Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb)
  4. Synonyms & examples go in the lower left. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing 
  5. Antonyms & Opposites go in the lower right
  6. An Illustration of your word goes at the very bottom 
  • Write big and bold. Fill the space
  • Make sure everything is spelled correctly
  • Write using bold, dark colors. 
  • Color and decorate using light colors, or light shading
  • Be aware of the time and work diligently
  • Do not just copy the definition from the dictionary. Try to fully understand the definition and put it in your own words
  • Be sure you include the part of speech (Noun, verb, adjective, or adverb)
  • You might want to complete the model in pencil first, then go over your work in pen, markers, or colored pencil.

Activity #2
Share Your Frayer
How to Present:
Here is an example of a script you could use when you share.

1. The word I am going to teach you is __________ . 
2. Here is the sentence from the text: "__________________ ."  
3. (Your word) is a (What part of speech?) The definition is _____________________________ . 
4. Some synonyms of (your word) are __________________ .
5. Some antonyms of (your word) are __________________ .
6. My illustration is __________________________ .
Do you think you can use __________ in a sentence?

  • Make sure you hold your model up so the other students can see it
  • Speak loud and clear. 
  • Speak slowly. Do not talk too quickly or quietly.
  • Pause between each section
  • Ask if anyone has questions when you are done
  • End by asking if anyone can use your word in a sentence of their own

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