APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Day 31: 10/17/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 16 Quiz & more about Plot


Good Morning, 

I hope you are all having a thunderous Thursday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will take the chapter 16 quiz and learn more about plot.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Take out your notes on chapter 16. Then open your chromebook and complete your chapter 16 quiz independently. DO NOT HIT SUBMIT!!! YET!
  • Write your Independent work in your agenda
Independent work:
  • Complete any past due assignments

Activity #1
Ch. 16 Quiz & Best Question 

    Topics for Small Group Discussion
    1. Setting - Where? When? Description
    2. Characters - Which character would you rather be?
    3. Plot events - What were the most important events?
    4. Conflicts - Were there any conflicts?
    5. Questions - Best Questions (Whole Group)

    Activity #2 (If time)
    Analyzing Plot

    • Glue in Plot Lines
    • Date, Title, Page Number
    • Highlight Plot Line 
    Random Groups:
    1. Record information about the Exposition
    2. Identify and describe the Inciting Incident
    3. Select 3 events to record on the Rising Action

    Wednesday, October 16, 2024

    Day 30: 10/16/24 - Plot Sequence & Freak the Mighty Chapter 16


              Good Morning, I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

    Do Now:

    1. Check that your homework is done
    2. Check to see if you have all your materials
    3. Sharpen pencils


    Good Day 6th Graders,

              Today we will learn about the plot sequence, and read chapter 16 of Freak the Mighty.
                                    Thank you
                                    Mr. Trumble
    Do Now:

    • Pick up a copy of the Plot Ladder Notes from the black table
    • Write down your Independent work in your agenda
    Independent work:
    • Finish reading chapter 16 & complete the reading guide

    Activity 1
    Elements of Plot

    I can identify the 6 stages of plot, and describe the events that happen during each stage.

    • The Plot is the sequence of events in a literary work, book, movie, or play

    Activity #2
    Read Chapter 16

    Topics for Small Group Discussion
    1. Setting - Where? When? Description
    2. Characters - Which character would you rather be?
    3. Plot events - What were the most important events?
    4. Conflicts - Were there any conflicts?
    5. Questions - Best Questions (Whole Group)

    Have a great day.

    Tuesday, October 15, 2024

    Day 29: 10/15/24 - Notebook Walk & The 4 Types of Conflict


    Good Morning, 

    I hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

    Do Now:

    1. Check that your homework is done
    2. Check to see if you have all your materials
    3. Sharpen pencils


    Good Day 6th Graders,

              Today we will review your the information in your notebook, and learn about the 4 types of conflict. 
                                    Thank you
                                    Mr. Trumble
    Do Now:

    • Pick up a copy of the 4 types of conflict notes from the black table
    • Write your Independent work in your agenda
    • If you did not already hand in your Frayer Model please put it in the red bin
    Independent work:
    • Complete any past due assignments
    • Finish The 4 types of Conflict practice on google classroom

    Activity #1
    Notebook Walk
    Pg 1 - STAR Data
    Pg 2 - Blank
    Pg 3 - Unit 1 Title Page
    Pg 4 - The Literary Elements
    Pg 5 - Figurative Language
    Pg 6 - Asking Questions
    Pg 7 - How to Respond to Literature (I,C,E,R)
    Pg 8 - Using Transitions
    Pg 9 - Setting
    Pg 10 - Descriptive Words for Characters
    Pg 11 - Characterization
    Pg 12 - Characterization of Max
    Pg 13 - Point of view
    Pg 14 - Conflict (Internal vs. External)
    Pg 15 - The 4 Types of Conflict

    Activity #2

    The 4 Types of Conflict

    I can read a short passage and identify what type of conflict the  character is experiencing.


    • There are 2 categories of conflict (Internal & External)
    • There are 4 different types:

    1. Man vs. Man (External)
    • A struggle between a character and another character
    • Protagonist vs Antagonist
    2. Man vs. Nature (External)
    • A struggle between a character and nature
    • Includes weather, animals, sickness, etc
    3. Man vs. Society (External)
    • A struggle between a character & the laws or beliefs of a large group
    • could involve poverty, politics, social norms, expectations, etc
    4. Man vs. Self (Internal)
    • A struggle between a character and their choices, negative thoughts, & feelings

    Activity #3

    The 4 Types of Conflict Practice

    Directions: Random Partners
    Complete the 4 types of conflict practice on google classroom

    Friday, October 11, 2024

    Day 28: 10/11/24 - Share your Frayer


              Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

    Do Now:

    1. Check that your homework is done
    2. Make sure you have all your materials
    3. Sharpen pencils


    8:55 – 9:12 Homeroom

    9:15 – 9:50 Block 1

    9:53 – 10:28 Block 2

    10:31 – 10:40 Report to HR – WIN –  

    10:45 – 11:10  Holmes and Mullin report to cafeteria at 10:45

                            Faulkner and Trumble report to Firetrucks at 10:45

                            Holmes and Mullin report to Fire trucks at 11:00

                            Faulkner and Trumble report to cafeteria at 11:00

    11:10 – 11:42 Outside if nice! Town Hall meeting?

    11:45 – 12:25 Music Block

    12:28 – 12:58 Lunch

    1:00 – 1:35 Block 3

    1:38 – 2:13 Block 4

    2:15 – 2:43 WIN/Choice Time

    2:45 – 3:25 Specials

    Get their things to go home

    3:35 Dismissal


    Good day 6th Graders,      

            Today we will finish our Frayer models, and share them with each other in small groups.
                            Thank you ,
                            Mr. Trumble       
    Do Now:
    • Write Down the your homework
    • Take out your Frayer Model
    • Finish any past due quizzes or assignments
    • Enjoy your weekend

    Activity #1
    Finish Frayer (Vocabulary) Models

    Frayer models are a fun simple way to learn new vocabulary.


    • Pick a vocabulary word from chapter 1 - 10 to create a Frayer vocabulary Model

    Frayer Models have 6 sections

    1. The word goes in the middle (Big and Bold)
    2. Sentence from the text goes in the top left. Include the page number.
      • Copy the whole sentence. Properly!
    3. The definition of the word goes in the top right. Include the part of speech (Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb)
    4. Synonyms & examples go in the lower left. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing 
    5. Antonyms & Opposites go in the lower right
    6. An Illustration of your word goes at the very bottom 
    • Write big and bold. Fill the space
    • Make sure everything is spelled correctly
    • Write using bold, dark colors. 
    • Color and decorate using light colors, or light shading
    • Be aware of the time and work diligently
    • Do not just copy the definition from the dictionary. Try to fully understand the definition and put it in your own words
    • Be sure you include the part of speech (Noun, verb, adjective, or adverb)
    • You might want to complete the model in pencil first, then go over your work in pen, markers, or colored pencil.

    Activity #2
    Share Your Frayer
    How to Present:
    Here is an example of a script you could use when you share.

    1. The word I am going to teach you is __________ . 
    2. Here is the sentence from the text: "__________________ ."  
    3. (Your word) is a (What part of speech?) The definition is _____________________________ . 
    4. Some synonyms of (your word) are __________________ .
    5. Some antonyms of (your word) are __________________ .
    6. My illustration is __________________________ .
    Do you think you can use __________ in a sentence?

    • Make sure you hold your model up so the other students can see it
    • Speak loud and clear. 
    • Speak slowly. Do not talk too quickly or quietly.
    • Pause between each section
    • Ask if anyone has questions when you are done
    • End by asking if anyone can use your word in a sentence of their own

    Thursday, October 10, 2024

    Day 27: 10/10/24 - Have you Ever & Frayer Models


              Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

    Do Now:

    1. Check that your homework is done
    2. Make sure you have all your materials
    3. Sharpen pencils


    Good day 6th Graders,      

            Today we will play a game so I can get to know a little bit about you, and then we will get creative and work on Frayer models to help us learn new vocabulary.
                            Thank you ,
                            Mr. Trumble       
    Do Now:
    • Write Down your homework
    • Pick up a blank copy of the Frayer Model from the black table
    • Work on Frayer Model 

    Activity #1
    Have you Ever...
    Have you ever been on the superman rollercoaster?
    Have you ever played a musical instrument?
    Have you ever been to Water Safari?
    Have you ever flown on an airplane?
    Have you ever failed a test?
    Have you ever gotten in trouble with your parents?

    Activity #2
    Frayer (Vocabulary) Models

    Frayer models are a fun simple way to learn new vocabulary.


    • I hope you are all enjoying the story. We'll talk about what you've previously read before we go on, but today we are going focus on vocabulary.
    • Pick a vocabulary word from chapter 1 - 15 to create a Frayer vocabulary Model

    Frayer Models have 6 sections

    1. The word goes in the middle (Big and Bold)
    2. Sentence from the text goes in the top left. Include the page number.
      • Copy the whole sentence. Properly!
    3. The definition of the word goes in the top right. Include the part of speech (Noun, Verb, Adjective, or Adverb)
    4. Synonyms & examples go in the lower left. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing 
    5. Antonyms & Opposites go in the lower right
    6. An Illustration of your word goes at the very bottom 
    • Write big and bold. Fill the space
    • Make sure everything is spelled correctly
    • Write using bold, dark colors. 
    • Color and decorate using light colors, or light shading
    • Be aware of the time and work diligently
    • Do not just copy the definition from the dictionary. Try to fully understand the definition and put it in your own words if you can
    • Be sure you include the part of speech (Noun, verb, adjective, or adverb)
    • You might want to complete the model in pencil first, then go over your work in pen, markers, or colored pencil.

    Have a great day!

    Wednesday, October 9, 2024

    Day 26: 10/9/24 - Freak the MIghty Chapter 14 - 15 Quiz


    Good Morning, 

    I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

    Do Now:

    1. Check that your homework is done
    2. Check to see if you have all your materials
    3. Sharpen pencils


    Good Day 6th Graders,

              Today we will complete the chapter 14 & 15 quiz and small group discussion. 
                                    Thank you
                                    Mr. Trumble
    Do Now:

    • Take out your notes on chapter 14-15. Then open your chromebook and complete your chapter 14-15 quiz independently.
    • Write your Independent work in your agenda
    Independent work:
    • Complete any past due assignments

    Activity #1
    Review Ch. 14-15 & Best Question 

      Topics for Small Group Discussion
      1. Setting - Where? When? Description
      2. Characters - Which character would you rather be?
      3. Plot events - What were the most important events?
      4. Conflicts - Were there any conflicts?
      5. Questions - Best Questions (Whole Group)

      Tuesday, October 8, 2024

      Day 25: 10/8/24 - Freak the Mighty Chapter 14 & 15


                Good Morning, I hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

      Do Now:

      1. Check that your homework is done
      2. Check to see if you have all your materials
      3. Sharpen pencils


      Good Job starting to get those past due assignments turned in 6th Graders. Keep them coming. I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

                Today you will review Internal & External Conflicts, and read chapter 14 & 15 of Freak the Mighty.
                                      Thank you
                                      Mr. Trumble
      Do Now:

      • Pick up a Reading Guide from the black table
      • Write down your independent work
      Independent work:
      • Finish Reading Chapter 14 & 15
      • Complete the reading guide

      Activity #1
      Review answers from Internal vs. External Conflicts Practice
      (If not already done)

      Activity #2
      Read Chapter 14 & 15
      I can read chapters 14 & 15 of Freak the Mighty and record my thinking, including inferences I make about the literary elements listed below.

      Complete each section of the graphic organizer
      • Setting - Be sure to describe in detail
      • Characters - Write as much as you learn
      • Plot - 8-10 Bullets
      • Questions - 2 to 3 questions
      • Conflict - Write down any conflicts that you see.
      Have a great Day!

      Monday, October 7, 2024

      Day 24: 10/7/24 - Freak the Mighty Ch 12 -13 Quiz & Internal vs. External Conflict Practice


      Good Morning, 

      I hope you are all having a marvelous Monday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

      Do Now:

      1. Check that your homework is done
      2. Check to see if you have all your materials
      3. Sharpen pencils


      Good Day 6th Graders,

                Today we will complete the chapter 12 & 13 quiz and small group discussion. We will also practice identifying internal & external conflicts.
                                      Thank you
                                      Mr. Trumble
      Do Now:

      • Take out your notes on chapter 12-13. Then open your chromebook and complete your chapter 12-13 quiz independently. Make sure you answer the written response with a paragraph using I, C, E, R format
      • Write your Independent work in your agenda
      Independent work:
      • Complete any past due assignments

      Activity #1
      Ch. 12-13 Quiz & Best Question 

        Small Group Discussion
        Plot events
        Questions - Best Questions (Whole Group)

        Activity #2
        Internal Vs. External Conflicts Practice

        • Use the name sticks to put students into random groups of 3
        • Make sure students have notebooks open to their notes on Conflict
        • Students should work with their partners to complete the Internal vs. external conflicts practice on google classroom.
        • Make sure you hit the submit button

        Review answers as a whole group when everyone is done.

        When students finish they can work on any past due assignments for any of their classes.

        Friday, October 4, 2024

        Day 23: 10/4/24 - Internal vs. External Conflict & Freak the Mighty Chapter 13


        Good Morning, I hope you are all having a fabulous Friday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

        Do Now:

        1. Check that your homework is done
        2. Check to see if you have all your materials
        3. Sharpen pencils


        Good Day 6th Graders,

                 Today we will learn about internal and external conflicts, and read aloud chapter 13 of Freak the Mighty.
                                        Thank you
                                        Mr. Trumble
        Do Now:

        • Write your Independent work in your agenda
        • Pick up a copy of the Internal vs. External Conflicts notes from the black table
        Independent work:
        • Finish Reading Chapter 13
        • Complete the reading guide

        Activity #1
        Internal Vs. External Conflicts

        Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces or characters
        • Can be Internal or External
        • A story can have multiple conflicts
        • The main conflict is central to the plot

        What are some examples of internal Conflicts?
        What are some examples of external Conflicts?

        Activity #2
        Chapter 13 Read Aloud
        • Read chapter 13 with the members of your class 
        • Complete the Reading Guide!

        Have a Great Day!

        Thursday, October 3, 2024

        Day 22: 10/3/24 - Point of View Practice & Chapter 12


        Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

        Do Now:

        1. Check that your homework is done
        2. Check to see if you have all your materials
        3. Sharpen pencils


        Good Day 6th Graders,

                  Today we will practice identifying point of view, and read aloud chapter 12 of Freak the Mighty.
                                        Thank you
                                        Mr. Trumble
        Do Now:

        • Open your notebook to your notes on Point of View
        • Write your independent work in your agenda
        Independent work:
        • Finish Reading Chapter 12
        • Complete the reading guide

        Activity #1
        How does an Author Develop Point of View?

        Identifying Point of View - (Random groups of 3)

        Directions: (YOU WILL NEED YOUR COMPUTER)
        • Use your notes to complete the practice activity identifying point of view on google classroom. 
        • You will need to read a variety of short passages.
        • Then use your notes to identify which point of view is being used by the author. 
        • Each person in your group must submit their work on google classroom. This will count as a classwork grade. 
        • When everyone has submitted their work we will go over the correct responses.

        Activity #2
        Chapter 12
        • Read chapter 12 with the members of your class 
        • Complete the Reading Guide

        Have a Great Day!

        Wednesday, October 2, 2024

        Day 21: 10/2/24 - Chapter 11 review & Point of View Notes


        Good Morning, 

        I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

        Do Now:

        1. Check that your homework is done
        2. Check to see if you have all your materials
        3. Sharpen pencils


        Good Day 6th Graders,

                  Today we will complete the chapter 11 quiz and small group discussion. We will also get new notes on Point of View.
                                        Thank you
                                        Mr. Trumble
        Do Now:

        • Take out your notes on chapter 11. Then open your chromebook and complete your chapter 11 quiz independently.
        • Write tonight's homework in your agenda
        • Pick up a copy of the Point of View Notes
        • Complete any past due assignments
        • Review your notes on P.O.V.

        Activity #1
        Complete the Chapter 11 Quiz

        Activity #2
        Review Ch. 11 & Best Question 
        (from Freak the Mighty: Chapters 11)

          Review Chapter 4 HW
          Plot events?

          Best Questions: Whole Group

          Activity #3
          How does an Author Develop Point of View?

          Point of View
          • The perspective (or window) of the person telling the story. (Narrator)

          Have a great day!