Good Morning. Please sit at your house table & use this time to get ready for your day.
Do Now:
- Check that your homework is done
- Make sure you have all your materials
- Sharpen pencils
ELA Learning Target:
Today we will participate in Lit Circle discussions about chapter 5 and you will work together to submit your summaries on google classroom.
Do Now:
- Write Down the your homework
- Open your notebook to your job from chapter 5
- Open your computer to my Google classroom
- Finish writing chapter 5 summary (if not done)
Activity #1
Chapter 5 Lit Circle Discussions
The Rules for Lit. Circle Discussions:
- While we read each chapter you will be expected to complete your job for that chapter. Each member of the group will have a different job, and the jobs will rotate each chapter so you will never have the same job twice in a row.
- If we do not finish reading a chapter in class it will be your responsibility to finish the reading, and complete your job.
- At the start of each class the following day you will engage in a literature circle discussion about the reading.
- The Discussion Director is the leader of the conversation.
- You will take turns sharing, and engaging the rest of your group in a discussion about your topic/job.
- When you share it is your job to get the rest of the group involved. DO NOT READ! USE QUESTIONS TO ENGAGE THE REST OF YOUR GROUP MEMBERS!
- Summarizer:
- What happened in this chapter?
- What would you include in a summary? Why?
- What are the most relevant details/events in this chapter? Put the events in order.
- What's the main idea? (USE YOUR BOOK)
- Character Captain:
- What characters were in this chapter?
- What did they do, say, think, feel, etc?
- What did we learn about this character?
- Who were the most important characters?
- How did they impact the story?
- Vocab Enricher:
- Pick a word. Take your group to the page.
- Have someone read the sentence.
- Ask, "What do you guys think this word means?" Then let them guess.
- After everyone takes a guess, share the definition at the end. REPEAT!
- Conflict Evaluator:
- What conflicts did you identify in this chapter?
- Why was this a conflict?
- Is it an internal or external conflict?
- How does this conflict impact the story?
- Discussion Director:
- Read the questions that you have already prepared.
- You can also ask the three questions below.
- A Lightbulb Moment!!! - Did anything stand out to you?
- A Question Mark - Is there anything you didn't understand? Perhaps something that you would want JK Rowling to explain?
- A Connection - What did you learn (about yourself) from this chapter?
Mr. T's Discussion Questions:
- What was the most unusual thing to Harry about staying at the Weasley's?
- Where did Harry end up when he used Floo Powder?
- What would you have done if you were Harry and you were lost in Knockturn Alley?
- Why was Harry embarrassed at Gringotts?
- Describe Gilderoy Lockhart?
- How would you handle Mr. Malfoy? What would you tell Mr. Weasley to do about Mr. Malfoy and his insults?
Activity #2
The 45 Second Summary Challenge?
In this challenge you will work with the members of your house to write a summary of the chapter. You are writing together as a group, however each person must write their own summary their notebook. You will have just 12 minutes to write.
Each house will then choose a representative to read their summary out loud. The representatives from each house will have just 45 seconds to read their summary.
Your summaries should include:
- 2 Pts - The main idea
- 6 Pts - The most relevant details
- 2 Pts - Your reflection (Your own thoughts about the events of the chapter)
- 10 Points Total
As you are working I will come around to help you. I might ask you questions like:
- What does your summary need to start with?
- Have you written the main idea?
- What did you write for the main idea?
- What relevant details are you including?
- Why are those details important or relevant?
- Have you used any transitional words to connect your thoughts and sentences?
- Are there any places where you should use transitional words or phrases.
- What are your thoughts on the events of the chapter? (reflection)
- What do you think about what you read?
- Indent the first sentence
- All other lines are lined up on the margin line
- Words go on the line
- Put spaces between your words
- Use proper capitalization & punctuation
- Spelling matters (You should not be spelling words from the book incorrectly, especially character's names)
- Neatness matters
How will I earn points for my Hogwarts House?
1st Place = 30 pts
2nd Place = 20 pts
3rd Place = 10 pts
4th Place = 5 pts
How will I be individually evaluated?
- Three times throughout the unit (Chapters 5, 10, & 15) your summaries will be handed in digitally through google classroom as a quiz grade so I can formally assess your writing.
Activity #3
Best Question
- When we play "Best Question" your classroom teacher acts as the judge.
- Each house picks 1 representative to read the question they think is best, and then the student leads the discussion.
- After all 3 houses have led the discussion for their question the teacher will award house points for the question they think is best.
- The points are entirely up to the teacher, and they may choose to award more or less points based on the strength of your questions.
- Some days all Houses will earn points, while other days only one house might earn points. It all depends on you and the quality of your efforts.
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