APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Day 106: 3/12/25 - Harry Potter Chapter 7 Lit. Circle Discussion


          Good Morning. Please sit at your house table &  use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

ELA Learning Target:    
Today we will participate in Lit Circle discussions about chapter 7, and compete in the 45 Second Summary Challenge.

Do Now:
  • Write Down the your homework
  • Open your notebook to your job from chapter 7
  • Discussion Directors - open your computer to my blog
  • Finish reading chapter 7 (if not already done)

Activity #1
Chapter 7 Lit Circle Discussions

The Rules for Lit. Circle Discussions:
  1. While we read each chapter you will be expected to complete your job for that chapter. Each member of the group will have a different job, and the jobs will rotate each chapter so you will never have the same job twice in a row.
  2. If we do not finish reading a chapter in class it will be your responsibility to finish the reading, and complete your job. 
  3. At the start of each class the following day you will engage in a literature circle discussion about the reading. 
  4. The Discussion Director is the leader of the conversation. 
  5. You will take turns sharing, and engaging the rest of your group in a discussion about your topic/job.
  6. When you share it is your job to get the rest of the group involved. DO NOT READ! USE QUESTIONS TO ENGAGE THE REST OF YOUR GROUP MEMBERS! 
  • Summarizer: 
    • What happened in this chapter?
    • What would you include in a summary? Why? 
    • What are the most relevant details/events in this chapter? Put the events in order.
    • What's the main idea? (USE YOUR BOOK)
  • Character Captain:
    • What characters were in this chapter? 
    • What did they do, say, think, feel, etc? 
    • What did we learn about this character? 
    • Who were the most important characters? 
    • How did they impact the story? 
  • Vocab Enricher:
    • Pick a word. Take your group to the page. 
    • Have someone read the sentence. 
    • Ask, "What do you guys think this word means?" Then let them guess.
    • After everyone takes a guess, share the definition at the end. REPEAT! 
  • Conflict Evaluator:
    • What conflicts did you identify in this chapter? 
    • Why was this a conflict? 
    • Is it an internal or external conflict? 
    • How does this conflict impact the story?
  • Discussion Director:
    • Read the questions that you have already prepared. 
    • You can also ask the three questions below.
    1. A Lightbulb Moment!!! - Did anything stand out to you?
    2. A Question Mark - Is there anything you didn't understand? Perhaps something that you would want JK Rowling to explain?
    3. A Connection - What did you learn (about yourself) from this chapter?
Mr. T's Discussion Questions:
  • What stages of the Hero’s Journey has Harry gone through already? Explain. Level 2
  • What is a Mudblood? Level 1
  • Who do Harry, Ron, & Hermione go to for help when Ron's spell backfires? Level 1
  • How do you think Harry, Ron, & Hermione should have handled Draco and the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team? Level 2
  • What did Harry have to do for detention? Level 1
  • What did Ron have to do for Detention? Level 1
  • Which one would you prefer? Why? Level 2
  • Harry & Ron have to serve detention for flying the car to Hogwarts. Have you ever received a detention? If so, what for? Level 3
  • What happened while Harry was serving his detention? Level 1
  • What would you do if you were Harry and you heard the voice? Level 2
Activity #2

The Hero’s Journey Challenge


Is Harry Potter a literary hero? Respond in a short paragraph.


We will be using I, C, E (Intro, Claim Evidence) to write our responses. I will give you the Introduction and the Claim. Your job is to finish the response by writing the evidence.

In your response you must:

  • use evidence from 2 sources:

  1. The Hero’s Journey - Joseph Campbell

  2. Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling

  • Write about at least 2 stages of the Hero’s Journey (Pick 2 from Act 1 Stage 1 - Act 2 Stage 2)


(I)  According to Joseph Campbell many stories and story book characters follow the pattern of the Hero’s Journey. (C) Harry Potter is one of the characters who fit this pattern. According to Campbell…

Use this type of language for your evidence from the Hero’s Journey.

  • According to the Hero’s Journey…

  • According to Campbell…

Use this type of language for your evidence from Harry Potter.

  • In the story…

  • In chapter _____ of Harry Potter …

The 45 Second Summary Challenge?

In this challenge you will work with the members of your house to write a summary of the chapter. You are writing together as a group, however each person must write their own summary their notebook. You will have just 12 minutes to write.

Each house will then choose a representative to read their summary out loud. The representatives from each house will have just 45 seconds to read their summary. 

Your summaries should include:
  • 2 Pts - The main idea 
  • 6 Pts - The most relevant details
  • 2 Pts - Your reflection (Your own thoughts about the events of the chapter)
  • 10 Points Total

As you are working I will come around to help you. I might ask you questions like:
  • What does your summary need to start with?
  • Have you written the main idea?
  • What did you write for the main idea?
  • What relevant details are you including?
  • Why are those details important or relevant?
  • Have you used any transitional words to connect your thoughts and sentences? 
  • Are there any places where you should use transitional words or phrases.
  • What are your thoughts on the events of the chapter? (reflection)
  • What do you think about what you read? 

  • Indent the first sentence
  • All other lines are lined up on the margin line
  • Words go on the line
  • Put spaces between your words
  • Use proper capitalization & punctuation
  • Spelling matters (You should not be spelling words from the book incorrectly, especially character's names)
  • Neatness matters
How will I earn points for my Hogwarts House?

1st Place = 30 pts
2nd Place = 20 pts
3rd Place = 10 pts
4th Place = 5 pts

How will I be individually evaluated?
  • Three times throughout the unit (Chapters 5, 10, & 15) your summaries will be handed in digitally through google classroom as a quiz grade so I can formally assess your writing. 

Activity #3
Best Question
  • When we play "Best Question" your classroom teacher acts as the judge. 
  • Each house picks 1 representative to read the question they think is best, and then the student leads the discussion. 
  • After all 3 houses have led the discussion for their question the teacher will award house points for the question they think is best.
  • The points are entirely up to the teacher, and they may choose to award more or less points based on the strength of your questions.
  • Some days all Houses will earn points, while other days only one house might earn points. It all depends on you and the quality of your efforts. 

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