APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Day 69: 12/18/24 - Cause & Effect Text Structure


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will learn about the "Cause & Effect" text structure, and continue with our independent reading.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Pick up a copy of the Cause & Effect Text Structure Notes
  • Pick up scissors, a glue stick, colored Pencils & a Yellow Highlighter
  • Hand in your Independent Reading Log
Independent Work:
  • Complete week 3 Reading Log (If not done)

Activity #1
Text Structure: Cause & Effect
  • RI6.5 - Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, or chapter fit into the overall structure of a text and how it contributes to the development of ideas. 

Step 1: Review the 5 different forms of text structure.
Step 2: Review the definition for Cause & Effect Text Structure
Step 3: Read the paragraph about unwanted dogs
Step 4: Reread the article and underline the details pertaining to the cause and those that pertain to the effect. (See Image Below)
Step 5: Complete the graphic organizer
Step 6: Cut, & Glue in the graphic organizer into your ELA Interactive Notebook

Activity #2
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes 
    • This is a quiet reading time. You may spread out but it is expected for you to read for the entire 20 minutes. 
  • Complete your reading log 
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. Focus on Characters, Setting, Plot, & Conflict
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log 
    • Remember to use the Word central link from my blog to help you

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Day 68: 12/17/24 - Problem & Solution Text Structure


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils
8:45 - 9:12     Homeroom
9:15 - 9:49     Block #1
9:52 - 10:26     Block #2
10:29 - 11:03     Block #3
11:06 - 11:42     W.I.N.
11:45 - 12:15     Lunch
12:18 - 12:52     Block #4
12:55 - 1:15     W.I.N.
1:15 - 1:45     Special Area
1:45 - 2:00     Homeroom (Get ready to go to the Assembly)
2:00 - 2:15     Travel To High School
2:15 - 3:15     Christmas Chorus & Band Concert
3:15 - 3:25     Travel back to Elementary Building
3:25 - 3:35     Pack up to go home


Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will learn about the "Problem & Solution" text structure, and continue with our independent reading.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Pick up a copy of the Problem & Solution Text Structure Notes & a Reading Log
  • Pick up scissors and a glue stick
  • Pick up colored Pencils
Independent Work:
  • Complete Week #3 Reading Log (Due Wed 12/18) 

Activity #1
Text Structure: Problem & Solution

  • RI6.5 - Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, or chapter fit into the overall structure of a text and how it contributes to the development of ideas. 

Step 1: Review the 5 different forms of text structure.
Step 2: Review the Definition for Problem & Solution Text Structure
Step 3: Read the paragraph about leash pulling
Step 4: Reread the article and underline the details pertaining to the problem and those that pertain to the solution (See Image Below)
Step 5: Complete the graphic organizer
Step 6: Cut, & Glue in the graphic organizer into your ELA Interactive Notebook

Activity #2
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes 
    • This is a quiet reading time. You may spread out but it is expected for you to read for the entire 20 minutes. 
  • Complete your reading log 
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. Focus on Characters, Setting, Plot, & Conflict
    • Go back & make sure your reading log has been filled in for each day this week. (Characters, setting, plot, & conflict)
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log 
    • Remember to use the Word central link from my blog to help you

Monday, December 16, 2024

Day 67: 12/16/24 - Compare & Contrast Text Structure


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will learn about the "Compare & Contrast" text structure, and continue with our independent reading.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Pick up a copy of the Compare & Contrast Text Structure Notes
  • Pick up a yellow highlighter
  • Pick up colored Pencils, scissors, and a glue stick
Independent Work:
  • Read for 20 minutes 
  • Complete Week 3 Day #5 of your Independent Reading Log

Activity #1
Text Structure: Compare & Contrast

  • RI6.5 - Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, or chapter fit into the overall structure of a text and how it contributes to the development of ideas. 

Step 1: Review the 5 different forms of text structure.
Step 2: Review the Definition for Compare/Contrast structure - The author discusses similarities & differences between 2 topics.
Step 3: Read the compare/contrast article about Chihuahuas and Collies. Highlight the topics yellow.
Step 4: Reread the article and underline the details pertaining to each topic. (See Venn Diagram)
Step 5: Cut, & Glue in the graphic organizer and passage into your ELA Notebook
Step 6: Complete the Venn Diagram

Activity #2
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes 
    • This is a quiet reading time. You may spread out but it is expected for you to read for the entire 20 minutes. 
  • Complete your reading log 
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. Focus on Characters, Setting, Plot, & Conflict
    • Go back & make sure your reading log has been filled in for each day this week. (Characters, setting, plot, & conflict)
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log 
    • Remember to use the Word central link from my blog to help you
Have a great day!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Day 65: 12/12/24 - Order & Sequence Text Structure


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will learn about the "Order & Sequence" text structure, and continue with our independent reading.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Pick up a copy of the Order & Sequence Text Structure Notes
  • Pick up scissors and a glue stick
  • Pick up colored Pencils
Independent Work:
  • Read for 20 minutes 
  • Complete Week 4 Day #1 of your reading log

Activity #1
Text Structure: Order & Sequence
  • RI6.5 - Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, or chapter fit into the overall structure of a text and how it contributes to the development of ideas. 

Step 1: Review the 5 different forms of text structure.
Step 2: Review the Definition for Order & Sequence Text Structure
Step 3: Read the paragraph about getting a Black Lab puppy
Step 4: Reread the article and underline the sequence  of events and record them in order on the graphic organizer. (See Images Below)
Step 5: Complete the graphic organizer 
Step 6: Cut, & Glue in the graphic organizer into your ELA Interactive Notebook

Activity #2
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes 
    • This is a quiet reading time. You may spread out but it is expected for you to read for the entire 20 minutes. 
  • Complete your reading log 
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. Focus on Characters, Setting, Plot, & Conflict
    • Go back & make sure your reading log has been filled in for each day this week. (Characters, setting, plot, & conflict)
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log 
    • Remember to use the Word central link from my blog to help you

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Day 64: 12/10/24 - Description Text Structure


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will learn about the "Description" text structure, and continue our Independent reading logs.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Pick up a copy of the Description Text Structure Notes
  • Pick up a yellow highlighter
  • Pick up colored Pencils
  • Get out a glue stick and a pair of scissors
Independent Work:
  • Read for 20 minutes 
  • Complete Week 3 Day #2 of your reading log

Activity #1
Text Structure - Description
RI6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas.

Step 1: Review the 5 different forms of text structure.
Step 2: Review the Definition for Description text structure - The author provides many descriptive details about 1 topic
Step 3: Read the Descriptive article about Labrador Retrievers.
Step 4: Reread the article and underline the details 
Step 5: Write the topic and details in the graphic organizer
Step 6: Color Code, Cut, & Glue in the graphic organizer into your ELA Interactive Notebook

Activity #2
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Complete your reading log each day
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. 
  • Choose one word to be your "Word of the Week"
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log
  • You will hand in your reading log next Monday
Have a great day!

Monday, December 9, 2024

Day 63: 12/9/24 - What are you Reading & Text Structure Overview


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will share our independent reading books, and then get an overview of text structure.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Take out your Independent Reading Logs
  • Pick up a copy of the new independent reading log
  • Pick up a copy of the Text Structure notes
  • Pick up scissors and a glue stick
Independent Work:
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Complete Week 3 Day #1 of your reading log
Activity #1
Review Author's Purpose Quiz
Those that still need to take the quiz will go take it now.

Activity #2
What are you reading?
What's it about?
Question Time?

Activity #3
Overview of Text Structure
RI6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas.


There are several different structures authors use to write texts. Today we will be learning about the 5 most common structures. 

Complete the graphic organizer using the notes below.


Text structure is the way an author organizes, or puts together, a text

Activity #4
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Complete your reading log each day
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. 
  • Choose one word to be your "Word of the Week"
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log
  • You will hand in your reading log next Monday

Friday, December 6, 2024

Day 62: 12/6/24 - Identifying Author's Purpose Quiz


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will take a short quiz identifying author's purpose and have some more time for independent reading.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Open your notebook to your notes on Author's Purpose
  • Log in to your computer and go to my google classroom
Independent Work:
  • Read for 20 minutes & Complete day 5 of your reading log
Activity #1
Author's Purpose Quiz
RI6.6 Determine an author's point of view, or purpose, in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text

Go to google classroom and complete the Author's Purpose Quiz under the classwork tab. Be sure you use your notes. 

When you are done you may take out your independent reading book and read quietly at your seat.

Activity #2
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Complete your reading log each day
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. 
  • Choose one word to be your "Word of the Week"
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log
  • You will hand in your reading log next Monday

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Day 61: 12/5/24 - Author's Purpose Notes & Practice


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will learn about author's purpose and take some time for independent reading.
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Pick up a copy of the Author's Purpose notes
  • Pick up a glue stuck & a pair of scissors
Independent Work:
  • Read for 20 minute & Complete day 4 of your reading log
Activity #1
Author's Purpose
RI6.6 Determine an author's point of view, or purpose, in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text

Author's have a variety of reasons, or purposes, for writing. As a reader it is your job to determine what that purpose is! 

Step 1 - Color Code your Graphic organizer to match mine. (See my example)
Step 2 - Glue in the Graphic Organizers (See pictures below)
Step 3 - Write the definition (from the table) of each Authors purpose in the graphic organizer

*** We will use these notes tomorrow. We are going to read a variety of passages and practice identifying what the author's purpose was for writing. There will also be a quiz on Author's Purpose on Wednesday.

NOW... I am going to put you in a random group and you will complete the practice. 

Activity #2
Independent Reading
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Complete your reading log each day
    • Be sure to write down what happened in that day's reading. 
  • Choose one word to be your "Word of the Week"
  • Complete the "Word of the Week" portion of your reading log
  • You will hand in your reading log on Monday
Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Day 60: 12/4/24 - Summarizing an Informational Article


          Good Morning, I hope you are all having a great day. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Check to see if you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils

Good Day 6th Graders,

          Today we will be writing a summary of the Halloween article. 
                                Thank you
                                Mr. Trumble
Do Now:

  • Write tonight's Independent work in your agenda
  • Take out your Copy of the Halloween Article
  • Pick up a copy of the Main Idea and details Graphic Organizer
  • Pick up an orange highlighter
  • Read for 20 minutes & Complete day 3 of your independent reading log

Activity #1
Reading, Annotating & Organizing an Informational Article
RI6.1 - Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

RI6.2 - Determine the central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions and judgements

Halloween Candy Advertisements

Halloween themed Comic Strips
Halloween Themed Animated Movie

Read the article, "How Donald Duck and Peanuts Saved Trick-or-Treating"

*As we read I want you to think about these questions:
1. What is each paragraph about?
2. What Questions do I have?
3. What parts do I not understand?
4. How many sections of information does this article have?
5. What is the Topic, or Main Idea?
6. What details, or evidence, makes me think that?

Step 1 - Read the Article
Step 2 - Reread the article. As we read Write small inferences, thoughts, and questions you have in the margin.
Step 3 Underline evidence & important details

Step 4 - Highlight the topic sentence (Pink) and the most important supporting detail (Orange) in each category

Step 5 - Complete the Main Idea & Details Graphic Organizer.
  • How many categories of information are there?
  • What is the most important details/information in each category?
  • Write down the most important detail/information from each category.
  • Write the main idea. (Don't overlook the importance of the title in determining the main idea)

Have a great day!