APW Elementary

APW Elementary
Rebel Pride Starts Inside

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Day 152: 5/16/24 - Outlining Information Day #4 & Writing a Thesis


          Good Morning. Please use this time to get ready for your day.

Do Now:

  1. Check that your homework is done
  2. Make sure you have all your materials
  3. Sharpen pencils


Good day 6th Graders,      

        Today we will finish outlining our information.
                        Thank you,
                        Mr. Trumble
Do Now: 
1. Write down your homework
2. Go to page 86

  • Finish Outlining your information
  • Start getting materials for Learning Fair Project. Projects officially begin Tomorrow!!!
    • Trifold Presentation Board 
    • Boxes
    • Decorative tape
    • Letter stencils or stickers
    • Special Markers or Paints
    • Other items specific to your model
Activity #1
Outlining Day #4
You will have met today's goal when you have finished outlining all of your information for your research project.

Your Task:
Take all of the information you gathered and organize it according to:
  • Problem/Issue
  • Causes (or Pro's)
  • Effects (or Cons)
  • Solutions 
  • Begin with 1 article at a time
  • Read each piece of information you gathered
  • Write it in the appropriate category
  • Repeat
  • You should be able to explain each of these categories in your own words
  • You should also be able to explain why you care about your topic, or why the topic is important

Writing a Thesis: The “What” & the “So What”

The What = What do you believe about your topic? 

  • For Example:

  • Pros & Cons Issues: Is  your technology beneficial or harmful to the planet? Technology = Solar, Wind, Nuclear, Hydro, Geothermal Energy, Weather Modification, Electric cars, Hydrofracking, G.M.O.’s etc

    • Solar energy is an excellent technology for the planet to meet their energy needs,...

    • Hydrofracking is a harmful way to meet our energy needs,... 

    • Weather modification is a risky practice that could be beneficial but might also have some negative consequences,...

  • Cause & Effect Issues: How serious is your environmental issue, or problem? Is it a serious problem for the planet? Is it not that bad of a problem?

  • Air pollution is a serious problem to the planet,..

  • Ocean pollution is a terrible problem that is killing our oceans, …

  • Global warming is a tremendous threat to the planet that needs to be taken seriously, …

The “So What” = So what should we do about it?

  • Tips to answer this question:

    • Think Big! This is a big problem! We need big solutions.

    • Don’t think about what an individual person needs to do. Think about what countries, businesses, and the planet as a whole needs to do.

    • If you have not found information on the solutions, do a web search to find more information. There are already smart people all around the globe working on these problems, so find out what is being done, and give your opinion.

  • For Example:

    • Should governments and businesses invest money into your new technology for the future benefit of the planet?

      • Solar energy is an excellent technology for the planet to meet their energy needs, so the United States government should provide funds, and create projects to develop solar energy power plants to reduce our reliance on the burning of fossil fuels. 

      • Hydrofracking is a harmful way to meet our energy needs, so laws should be written prohibiting this form of mining in America.

      • Weather modification is a risky practice that could be beneficial, but might also have some negative consequences, so countries around the globe should work together to carefully develop this technology and only use it when they are sure it is safe.

    • Should governments and businesses work together to reduce the effects of ____________ ?
      • Air pollution is a serious problem to the planet, so the Unites States Government should enact regulations to reduce the burning of fossil fuels, and lower their carbon emissions.

      • Ocean pollution is a terrible problem that is killing our oceans, so countries around the planet should work together to develop ways to clean it up.

      • Global warming is a tremendous threat to the planet that needs to be taken seriously, so it is going to take a collective effort from everyone and every country to get a handle on this problem and save the planet.

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