Good day 6th Graders,
Today we will continue unit 3, Critical Analysis & Evaluation of Fictional Texts. We will continue reading Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets.
Thank you,
Mr. Trumble
Mr. Trumble
Do Now:
1. Find your Hogwarts House Table and have a seat
2. Write your homework down in your agenda
2. Write your homework down in your agenda
- Finish reading Ch 3 of HP & the C.O.S.
- Complete the Venn Diagram Comparing & Contrasting the Dursley's House & the Weasley's House
- Quick write - Describe the Setting of APW
- Lit Element: Setting of Harry Potter
- Reading Strategy: Visualizing
- Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets - Ch 3
Activity #1
Think-Pair-Share with someone who used the same note taking strategy as you.Think-Pair-Share with someone who used a different note taking strategy as you.
Questions to think about:
-What notes did you take on chapter one?
-What out of those notes did you find to be the most important?
-Did you like the note taking strategy that you used?
-What about the note taking strategy did you like or dislike?
Activity #2
Activity #3
QUICKWRITE: APW Elementary School
You will have 10-15 minutes to do a quick write assignment about the setting you are in right now. Make sure you are using descriptive words and explaining the time of the setting and the place.
Questions to think about:
-What do I see around me?
-When do I find myself in this particular setting?
-What descriptive words can I used to really describe APW Elementary?
Activity #4
Begin reading HP & the C.O.S. Chapter 3
While reading have your VENN Diagram out so you can start to fill it in. Remember we are comparing The Dursley's and The Weasley's as far as setting.
Questions to think about:
-What is similar about the two settings?
-What is different about the two settings?
-What are Harry's feeling and emotions in the different settings?
-What is different about the two settings?
-What are Harry's feeling and emotions in the different settings?
RTI - A Day 1/31/18
Guided Reading Book Clubs
Goal: To read fictional texts for enjoyment and discuss them with a group of our peers in order to improve our comprehension .
RL6.1 - Cite Textual Evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
RL6.3 - Describe how a particular story's plot unfolds in a series of events as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution
- Reading Strategies:
- Predicting & Questioning
- Literary Elements:
- Characterization & Setting
Key Questions:
- Where and when does the story take place? How does the setting influence the story?
- What do you know about the main character? How?
- Based on what they do
- Based on what they say
- Based on their thoughts
- Based on what others say about the character
- What Predictions can you make?
- What questions do you have?